A s s a u l t

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Hinata grabbed Akaashi's wrist and ran to the door before he could change. Sure enough the door was unlocked. He ran to the front right to Bokuto's table.

"Bokuto what do you think of Akaashi in his new uniform?" Bokuto was blushing madly. Then Hinata put two and two together.


Ian ran through the door catching everyone's attention. "Hinata. Akaashi. I thought I told you to change to your old uniform."

Hinata looked at his manager and smirked. He pushed Akaashi onto Bokuto. Then he walked to Kageyama and sat on his lap. "I'm sorry about my manager, you still want to talk right?" He started to play with his hair.

Kageyama was bright red.

"I- sure."

Hinata turned to see his manager mad. Really mad. But Hinata didn't care. He wasn't going to be controlled by someone.

He walked to Akaashi and grabbed his wrist. Then he harshly yanked him off of Bokuto. Hinata saw that Bokuto looked a little mad. Then he had another idea. Leave it to Hinata to have stupid ideas.

He got off of Kageyama and walked towards his manager.

"Manager! That wasn't very nice. He was just trying to please the customer."

"Well I want him to please me." He smacked Akaashi's ass, making him jump. Bokuto looked like he would snap at any moment.

Hinata decided to stop his plan. He didn't think it was fair on Bokuto. But it would have been nice to see Bokuto fight his manager. He would have paid to see that.

Then he saw Kenma. "Hey do you work anywhere? I could give you a job." Hinata then realized that Kuroo wasn't there. Maybe he was in the bathroom.

Kenma looked disgusted. "I do have a job and I would like it if you left me alone."

"Cmon!" Ian grabbed Kenma's wrist. That made Hinata mad. He didn't like that his manager was looking at customers like that.

Kenma yanked his arm back. "You're disgusting."

Apparently Ian didn't understand what no meant. He grabbed Kenma once again and yanked him out the seat into his arms.

"Sir you can't assault the customers. I'm going to have to ask you to leav-"

Ian punched Hinata in the face. He fell back. Everyone looked stunned. Everyone except Bokuto. He looked really mad now.

Then Hinata saw two shadows standing over him. He looked up to see Kageyama and Kuroo. Kageyama picked him up and placed him in the nearest chair.

"Are you okay?" He caressed his cheek.

"I'm fine. Plus I think this might be the last time he does this."

"Why do you say that?"

"I just have a feeling I'm not going to see him after today."

He looked over to see Ian let go of Kenma. Kuroo then hugged him protectively. "I'm sorry I was in the bathroom an-"

"Kuroo shut up. It's not your fault."

Bokuto punched Ian in the face, making him fall in the ground. He got on top of him and started hitting him repeatedly.

Akaashi was trying to pull him off while Kuroo was laughing. Kenma just looked disappointed. Hinata smiled at the scene in front of him.

Eventually he helped Akaashi. All three of them fell back when they pulled Bokuto off. Ian quickly stood up, but got another punch in the face from Kuroo.


Hinata was stunned. "Your saying they can come, but not when Akaashi and I are working? Who are you to restrict people from seeing us."

"I'm your manager and every thing I've done is to help you."

"Oh really? So punching me was helping me how exactly?"

Ian grabbed a cup and threw it at Hinata's direction. He dodged it and watched his manager leave. Hinata looked at the clock to see it was 5:56. Four minutes until they closed. He quickly got up and apologized to everyone for the inconvenience. Then he headed to the back and changed.

Soon Akaashi came to the locker room. "I'm guessing your going to kill him?" Hinata looked at the roof.

"Yeah. It's about time anyways. Don't you think Akaashi."

"I guess. Everyone is planning to go to the park later. Are you going to come after you're done?"

"Everyone? Even Kageyama?"

"Apparently Bokuto wants to know who you were flirting with."

Hinata remembered what he did and turned red. "R-right. I might come."

Soon he changed into his white t shirt, blue jacket and black jeans. He grabbed his bag and gave Akaashi a hug, before he handed the keys over. He headed to the door.

"Shrimpy! Are you not going to the park with us?"

Hinata turned to face Bokuto and gave him a smile. "I have some business to take care of right now. I'll try to come by later though."

Bokuto smirked and nodded. He quickly headed out and turned the corner. He saw his manager talking on the phone while smoking.

"No I just want to know about them. I'll pay you when I get some blackmail for each person. Call me when you have that." He hung up and Hinata ran towards him.

"Sir! Can I ask for a favor." He gave his usual innocent smile.

"What is it?"

"Can we continue what we never finished." He stroked his arm to give him an idea.

Ian looked shocked. But then a wide smile grew on his face. "Oh what do you mean?"

"Before Akaashi pulled me away we were making out. I want to go further and..." He stared at Ian's crotch. Hinata tried to hold back a laugh. It looked small.

Ian leaned in for a kiss, but Hinata put his hands on his mouth. "Not here." He then lead him into an alley way.

Immediately he was pinned up against the wall. Then he kissed him. Soon it became a make out session.

He started to take Hinata's jacket off. That's when Hinata had enough. He reached in his pocket and took out his knife. He wrapped his arms around Ian's neck and slit it.

He took a few steps back, struggling to breath. He started gasping for air. He looked to see Hinata smirking.

"You deserved this. Also you're too loud."

He kicked him to the ground. He looked at Hinata once more before he stopped moving.

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now