A n k l e

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Hinata rubbed his wrist. His bruises started to fade away, but Akaashi added a new one without wanting to. He let himself fall on the bed. Bokuto didn't have a small house, he had a mansion so naturally Hinata had his own room on the second floor.

The walls were white, making the room look a bit bigger. The big bed in the middle of the room had wine red sheets. A dark oak wardrobe was against the wall. On top of that was a mirror hanging on the wall. The windows had wine red curtains covering them.

"This isn't fair!" He grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it. He then proceeded to throw a silent tantrum on the bed.

After a few minutes he felt satisfied. He looked at the door. He tried to open it earlier but of course it was locked. He tried to find something to pick the lock. He tried to kick the door down. He even tried using his knife to pick the lock, but Akaashi heard and took the knife away.

He felt bad. Not only was he going to miss out on the date, he also wouldn't be able to feed Sugawara. For all he knows he could have broken another window and left.

He sat up. He ran over to a window and yanked the curtains. They were locked, but they were still windows made from glass. He hoped it wasn't bulletproof glass. He grabbed his bag.

He would pay Bokuto back later. He pulled the mirror of the wall. He almost dropped it on his feet but he managed. He then swung it at the window. Glass shattered everywhere. He heard voices and footsteps so he had to be quick.

Hinata looked out the window. The drop wouldn't kill him, but it was still high. The door swung open and he saw Bokuto and Akaashi with panicked expressions.

"Hinata come here. We are just trying to keep you safe. You can stay with Bokuto and I just don't jump."

Hinata looked out the window and the back at Akaashi and Bokuto. He could jump out, but he might break a bone or he could go with Akaashi and miss his date.

He walked over to Akaashi and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to go on the date."

Akaashi hugged him back. "It's okay. Just don't try to do something like that again."

Bokuto wiped his face. "You had me scared Hinata. I was sweating. Don't pull something like that again okay?"





Hinata let go of Akaashi and ran towards the window. He jumped out.


He landed on his feet, his face almost hitting the concrete. He probably sprained his ankle when he landed, but he didn't have time to think about it. He looked back at the window. Akaashi was looking at him with a terrified expression. Bokuto started to run away from the window, probably trying to catch up to Hinata.

He stood up and started running. He fell. The pain in his ankle hurt. A lot. He stood up and staggered towards the fence. He knew he didn't have much time.

Hinata started to climb the fence. It was pretty big so it didn't help his injury. He jumped over the fence and made his way to his house. He didn't have anything to check the time, so he just hoped Kageyama was waiting for him.

He took a few different roads to make sure Bokuto and Akaashi didn't follow him. He was half way home when he saw Kageyama on his phone.

"Ah Kageyama!"

Kageyama looked up. A smile grew on his face and he put his phone away. He walked up to Hinata and ruffled his hair.

"I thought you left me."

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now