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They heard someone's phone ring behind all the moans. Or fake moans. Everyone could tell they were pretending, but they didn't want to ruin their fun.

Akaashi picked up his phone and looked at the name. "Hinata can I go into another room?"

"Sure. If you go to the end of the hall way, that's my room."

Akaashi nodded and left.

"So Hinata about that date." Kenma gripped Hinata's hand. The whole time he was near Hinata he didn't hear anything about a date.

"Oh. What about four days from now?"

"That works." He picked up his phone and started typing something in. He put it back down and they continued to talk.

Akaashi came back and sat down. He sighed. Hinata assumed something happened but he didn't ask.

Kageyama's phone buzzed. He checked the message and stood up. "I have to go. I have to work tomorrow."

He ruffled Hinata's hair and headed for the door. Hinata tried to walk him out, but Kenma wouldn't move.

Akaashi smiled at the scene in front of him and stood up instead to walk Kageyama out. He came back and sat down.

"Hinata you know how the manager isn't...available anymore?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"They made me the new manager. And they want us at work tomorrow."

"I wish I knew that earlier. Well we have to sleep or else tomorrow we won't be able to work."

Kenma's ears perked up. "Don't you two have to help Kuroo with his little mission?"

Akaashi nodded. "Bokuto and I are only going for the torture so we can go later, Hinata on the other hand has to actually be there."

Hinata scratched the back of his head. "Well I'll go to work and leave when it's time. But Akaashi I don't want to leave you to deal with everything by yourself."

Then they heard the timer go off. Kuroo and Bokuto came out with a smile plastered on their faces.

Akaashi ignored them. "I'll be fine working by myself. It'll only be a few hours anyway."

"Why do we have to open anyway?"

"We have to hire someone else."

"Akaashi! You can't work and be interviewing people."

Kuroo looked at them confused. "Hold on what are you two talking about, and where's Kageyama?"

"We are talking about tomorrow and Kageyama left. Anyways Hinata I'll be fi-"

"What's wrong with tomorrow? Did something come up?"

Akaashi sighed. "Yeah we have to go to work tomorrow. Also I'm the new manager, so I have to be there for the interviews."

"Oh." Kuroo scratched the back of his head in frustration. "That just messed the whole plan up huh? We'll follow the target and we can contact you when we need you Hinata."

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now