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A Year Later
Hinata waited by the bar. He blew small bubbles with the gum he was chewing. Eventually a brunette stepped out. Hinata walked up to her and gave her an innocent smile.

"Hi! I'm lost can you help me look for my friend?"

The female smiled. "Of course. Do you have any idea of where they went?"

Hinata nodded. He led the woman to the park. It was currently 12 A.M. so no one was there.

"I don't see anyone. Maybe you can call him or her?"

Hinata nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled a pistol out.

"I guess my little friend was in my pocket the whole time." Her eyes grew wide. She slowly stepped back and turned, starting to run. Hinata shot her in the back of her head.

"Don't waste my time I have to do something in a few minutes."

Hinata walked up to the body. He put on a pair of gloves and tweezers. He knelt by the body and pulled the bullet out.

"Ballistic markings are a pain. I need to start using a knife again."

Hinata stood up. He put the bullet in his pocket, along with his gun, and walked away with his hood on. He blew another bubble with his gum as he walked back to Kenma's house. On the way there he passed Nekoma, who was currently having a party.


Hinata turned around and saw Nishinoya and Yaku.

"Noya san! Yaku san!"

Nishinoya hugged the orange haired male. Hinata hugged him back.

"It's been months, at least come and visit me!"

"Sorry senpai I was busy with my own work."

Yaku ruffled Hinata's hair. "It doesn't hurt to visit though. Kenma always seems bored when he comes to Nekoma."

"I'm sure he's fine. By the way what are you guys celebrating?"

Nishinoya looked up at Hinata. "It's been a year since Karasuno joined Nekoma. Daichi san and Kuroo renewed the contract so we're having a party to celebrate."

"Is Bokuto here?"

"No he had his own business to deal with."

"What about Kenma? He should be here."

"He left after they signed because he had 'something to do'. Hey, stay with us for a bit please? Sugawara would love to see you!"

"I'd like to but I have to do something."

"Aw come on it'll only be a minute."

Hinata checked the time with his phone. He had about ten minutes to spare.

"Sure but it can't take long."

Nishinoya's eyes sparkled. He pulled Hinata into the building.

The place was a mess. There were a few tables with food, drinks and poker. Sugawara was playing with Ennoshita, Inuoka and Kai. It was clear that Inuoka was the only one that didn't know how to keep a poker face.

Nishinoya dragged Hinata to the table before he could look around more.

"Suga san! Look at who I found!"

Sugawara looked up from his hand. His eyes lit up.


"Suga san!"

Hinata hugged the male. Sugawara hugged him back.

"You should come visit me more often."

"I want to but I'm busy with work. Also Kenma won't let me because of Kageyama." He mumbled the last part but Suga heard and laughed.

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now