D a i s u k e • K a m b e

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Akaashi walked into the back to see Hinata punching Bokuto's chest. Akaashi smiled before he pulled Hinata away.

"Hinata, why were you punching Bokuto san?"

"He made me bite my tongue! He deserves being hit Akaashi. Don't give him what he wants!"

Akaashi raised an eyebrow. "And what would I give him?"

"He said you two were going to do the dirty."

Akaashi gave him a blank stare before leaning closer to Hinata.

"Hinata cover your ears for a second."

Hinata obliged and covered his ears. Akaashi gave him one more smile before walking over to Bokuto.

He could hear their muffled voices. Akaashi was glaring at Bokuto, who was sweating bullets, while he spoke.

Hinata knew it would take a while. He quickly opened the door and walked out of the back, into the cafe. He surprisingly saw the male from earlier.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, have you not been interview yet?"

The brown haired male looked at him. "I was in the middle of it. He went to the back because we kept hearing noise."

Hinata scratched the back of his head. "Oh is that so?" He was guilty. He took out the lollipop from his pocket and offered it to the male.

He hesitated but took the lollipop.

"I'm Shōyō Hinata!"

He stayed silent for a bit before speaking. "Suna. Rinatrō Suna."

"Oh Suna! That's a cool name."

"Thanks I guess."

"Is there a reason you want to work here?"

"Are you giving me the interview now?"

"No Im just curious."

"Well I just wanted a job. I also thought it would be easier to find cute guys."

"Oh don't worry. Plenty of cute guys come here."

"So you check out the customers?" Suna twirled the lollipop in his fingers and smirked.

Hinata's face turned red. "N-naturally. At least I did before. But I don't anymore."

"Why? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I just know two cute guys and I want to try to get with one of them."

"Are you confident?"

"No. I've only dated one person before, but he only wanted to do the dirty so I left him."

"The dirty?"

"Yeah it wasn't the bes-"

"Who wanted to do the dirty?" Hinata froze. He slowly looked behind him to see Akaashi.

"Akaashi! I didn't know you were there. I'll just let you and Suna continue-"


"mmmmmmm. My ex. But I didn't do it!"

Akaashi sighed and ruffled his hair. "Okay then."

Hinata turned to Suna. He gave him a quick smile and wave before going to the back. He saw Bokuto on the floor.

"Senpai the floor is dirty."

"Tell Kuroo that I didn't make it."

"But you- never mind. I made a new friend!"

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now