T e d d y • B e a r

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Hinata was looking through his contacts. He scrolled until he found 'Reyna'. He called the number, and waited for them to pick up.


"Reyna! I got your request. Who is it you want to get rid of?"

"Ah I'm glad you called back. It's this guy named Octavian."

"And he looks like?"

"He has blue eyes and sandy, dirty, blonde hair. He should be in a club right now. You'll know when you find him. I'll give you a hint, 'teddy bears.' I'll pay you tomorrow. Good luck."

With that she hung up. Teddy bears? He went to the only club in town. He walked in to see a lot of people. He saw a few people drinking and others dancing. A woman was walking through the club straight towards Hinata.

"And who you might be?" She batted her eyelashes. She wore a red dress with a black purse.

In Hinata's opinion, she wasn't worth his attention. However he needed to start somewhere.

"I'm not important. You however must be. Please tell me you're name."

She giggled. "Jessica."

He leaned into her ear. "Can I tell you something? You look stunning, but you probably look like this every day." He quickly slid Ian's phone in the purse.

She grabbed his face and leaned in for a kiss. Immediately he clamped his hands over her mouth. He smiled.

"Not yet. Can I ask something?"

She looked a little pissed but nodded.

"Do you know a guy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes here?"

She pushed his hands away. "Yeah. Every person has turned him down. He's so...weird. He's in the corner of the club."

He kissed her hand. "If you find me in the next ten minutes I will do whatever you want~"

He quickly walked past her. He walked to the back to see a guy on a couch with...teddy bears tied to his side? That was definitely him. No wonder everyone left him.

He walked towards him and pulled his tie.


Hinata dragged him outside. He slammed him into the nearby alley way.

"You only spoke one sentence, but you're already annoying." He took out his knife and stabbed him in the chest.

He stabbed him a few more times just because he felt like it. He took out the knife and cleaned it with Octavian's tie. He stuck both items in his pockets before leaving.

He left the alley way and started walking down the street. He jumped when he felt someone grab his shoulder. He turned around to see the girl from earlier.

What was her name again? Joana? Jessie?

"I found you~" She caressed his arm. He cringed at the sudden movement.

"Well I think it's been past ten minutes."

"No it's only been nine minutes and fifty nine seconds!"

"Sorry I don't like desperate women. Or women in general."

"I can change that!"

"OÍ GET AWAY FROM ME." Hinata pulled away and started walking. Of course she didn't give up easily.

She ran in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "COME ON YOU PROMISED!"

"No I didn't. I was never interested in you, so why would I?"

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now