H o s t a g e

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Hinata didn't get a chance to go home or call Bokuto. Kenma had dragged him to the car and to Nekoma. The second he got there he snapped out of his trance.

"Why am I here?"

Kuroo patted his head. "Chibi chan, think you can convince Sawamura to join Nekoma?"

"Not at all."

Kuroo pushed the small boy into his office. "At least try."

Kenma was about to follow but Kuroo stopped him. "You can come in later."

Kenma clicked his tongue. "Why isn't anyone letting me see my boyfriend?"

Kuroo closed the door. In the office Daichi was still tied with Yaku playing with his hair.

"You don't use hair gel?"

Daichi was confused by the question but didn't answer. Hinata kelt down to Daichi's level.

"Hi there."

"I- why are you in a skirt? Cover up."

Hinata pulled his skirt in between his legs. "Oh my bad. Thanks for telling me!"

Daichi sighed. "I can never get a break."

Kuroo smirked. "Did you take a liking to chibi chan?" He ruffled Hinata's hair. "But I guess it'd be weird if you didn't."

Hinata sat down and stared at him. He looked back at Kuroo.

"Why am I here again?"

"Convince him."

"Oh." Hinata faced Daichi, who looked done with life.

"Kuroo san said he likes how you look. I don't think he was lying either, you're pretty good looking. Anyways Kuroo san said if you don't agree he'll do the dirty with you."

Yaku dropped his phone. Kuroo stifled a laugh. Daichi's eyes grew wide.

"That- I-"

Kuroo patted Daichi's head. "You heard chibi chan. So what'll it be?"

Daichi took a deep breath. He looked at Hinata. "Cover your ears for a bit?"

Hinata slowly clamped his hands over his ears. Daichi gave him a smile before speaking, or that's what Hinata assumed. For all he knew he could be yelling.

Hinata saw Yaku bursting out laughing. Kuroo looked shocked but had a smirk on his face the entire time. Eventually Daichi stopped talking. Hinata slowly pulled his hands away.

Kuroo's smirk grew wider. "Can I take that as a yes?"


Kuroo sighed. He started to walk up to Daichi.

"You were serious?!?"

"Of course I was Sawamura. Now are you joining or am I going to have to hear you scream my name first?"

"I bet you wouldn't even be able to satisfy anyone with that."

Kuroo laughed. "Want to bet?"

"No thanks, I don't want that near me."

"I don't know because clearly you haven't realized the situation you're in." Kuroo lifted Daichi's chin and leaned closer to his face.

"It's either doing it right here right now, or joining Nekoma."

Hinata moved behind Yaku. "M-maybe don't do it here?"

Kuroo laughed. "Sorry chibi chan. You're not allowed to leave until he makes a choice."

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