B e l t

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Hinata tried sleeping on the way home, but of course he couldn't with Kuroo's reckless driving. His eyelids were heavy, but he would get startled by every turn.

Eventually they made it back to Hinata's house. He turned to look at his front door as Kuroo parked in the driveway.

"Hey..... is Akaashi holding a belt?"

Kuroo and Bokuto looked over. They both had panicked expressions on their faces. Bokuto quickly turned to see Hinata. He was bleeding from where the bullet grazed his cheek. His wrist were purple from being held down.

"Shit. Akaashi is going to kill us! Hinata if Akaashi asks we went shopping and you were attacked."

"But what about Sugawara?"

"Uh he was the person that attacked you."

"But he didn't even hurt me?"

"Just go with it."

"Okay." Hinata was way too sleepy. He already blocked out what Bokuto said. He opened the car door and stepped out. He immediately walked over to Akaashi and hugged him.

"I want to sleep Akaashi." He hid his face in Akaashi's shirt. Akaashi hugged him back.

"Yeah I'm not surprised you left like at three in the morning. Where did you go anyways?"

"Ask Bokuto and Kuroo. And don't kill Sugawara san."

"Sugawara? Isn't that the second in command for Karasuno?"

"Yes. I'm going to sleep."

"I think Kenma is in your room still."

"Is he sleeping?" Hinata looked up at him.

"I think he was. But go ahead-"

Hinata furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What? Why did you suddenl-"

"Are you bleeding?" Hinata brushed his finger over his cheek. He looked at it to see it a light shade of red on it. Hinata looked up at Akaashi and gave a sleepy smile.

Akaashi gave Hinata a light squeeze. "Give me a second Hinata." He let Hinata go and walked over to the car. The he yanked open Bokuto's door.

"AKAASHI!" He yelped.

"Why is Hinata bleeding?"

"I Uh- ask Kuroo."

Akaashi turned to Kuroo,  who was already getting ready to run.

"Ask Bokuto." He quickly opened the door and jumped out. Akaashi grabbed Bokuto by the collar of his shirt. Then he quickly grabbed Kuroo's collar before he could run.

"I'll ask again. Why. Is. Hinata. Bleeding!?"

"Wait! Sugawara is still in the car."

"I'll deal with him in a bit. For now why is he bleeding?"

Bokuto mumbled to himself. "At least he didn't see his wrist." At least he thought he did. He looked up at Akaashi to see a surprised and angry face.

"D-did you hear me Akaashi?"

Akaashi turned to Hinata, who was nodding off. "Hinata can you come here?"

Hinata flinched when he heard his name. He slowly walked up to Akaashi. Akaashi looked at his wrists.

"Hinata why are you bleeding and why are your wrists bruised?"

Hinata mumbled.

"Hinata what did you say?"

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now