Chapter 3: The Game

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Kol's P.O.V.

It was afternoon when they both walked in the Mystic Grill..Forbes was wearing a yellow sundress with a leather jacket and Bennett skinny jeans with a red shirt..

After seeing my brother Forbes said something to Bennett, she nodded and the blond left..

My brother of course followed. What was it with his obsession about this girl?

But, this is my chance to thank the witch for waking me up!

"Hello there Darling." she turned to face me "Hello." I offered my hand "Kol Mikaelson. The hot one!" She raised her eyebrows and chuckled "Bonnie Bennett." she took my hand "Nice to finally meet you Kol." She was too nice for her own good.

"I've been meaning to talk to you actually." I started "See..When I first came back I did not remember anything from the fact that I was dead and now I am alive...Then I remembered watching from the other side that you were the one that brought me back...So...Ummm...I wanted....I've been meaning to say that...well..." I started losing my words...I was never good with words unless it's flirting...I am not good with apologise or thank you...

"You are welcome!" she spoke before I finished. I looked at her surprised. She talked again "I know that you guys are not really good with words. It's ok. No problem. I always help people when they deserve it if I can..." I looked at her dumbfounded. "How are you so sure I deserve your help?" I asked "Because you might have done a lot of things in the past but you haven't really done anything wrong to me and my friends and I think it's unfair if we judge people by what their family has done..." she smiled at me "Now if you don't mind, I have to go make sure that my best friend is not picking a fight with your brother..." She started making her way out. When she reached the door she turned to look at me "Till next time Kol." Then she walked out. "Till next time.." I whispered.

She is something alright...

Caroline's P.O.V.

Walking in the Mystic Grill I saw Klaus and his brother Kol drinking. I turned to Bonnie and whispered in her ear "I hate to do this to you but I have to go.." she understood why, she nodded and I walked out...But of course...Klaus had followed me...

"Hello love!" I stopped. Stupid accent! Always gets to me! "Let me buy you a drink!" he continued, I turned around "I'd rather die of thirst but thanks!" I faked smiled and started walking but he used his hybrid speed and was now standing in front of me blocking me way "Now now love..There is no need to be mean! Come on talk to me! Get to know me!" he sat down on a bench. I still was not convinced "I dare you!" Well he had me there! "Fine.."

I sat down "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked "You." He answered "Your hopes, your dreams...What you want in life." I chuckled "Well...I want to talk about you...You seem to know a lot about me already!" I raised my eyebrows to him "And, by the way..I'm too smart to be seduced by you!" I smirked "Well that's why I like you!" He said and I smiled- Wait..I smiled? I SMILED!?! NO NO NO NO NO BAD CAROLINE!! YOU NEVER SMILE TO KLAUS!! STOP!! WHY DON'T YOU STOP!?!

"So what do you want to know about me love?" I thought for a second "I don't know....Your favourite color maybe?" He laughed. His laugh is actually kinda cute...-WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

"My favourite color?" He asked "Yeah! Just so you know, the favourite color can say a lot about someone's personality!" He smiled at me showing of his dimples. Stupid dimples "Alright then... Red." He answered and I laughed "But of course! The color of blood! I should have guessed that much!" "What about you love?" "Blue.." "Ahhh the color of light!"

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