Chapter 9: The hybrids

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3rd person's P.O.V.

"TYLER?!?!" Caroline screamed "Oh. You did not expect me?" He asked looking smug "Come on Lockwolf don't play with her! We don't have the time!" A female voice came behind Tyler.

"Who are you?!" Caroline asked "You don't remember me? Hayley. The girl that slept with your boyfriend and broke your neck." Hayley rolled her eyes.

"Yes...I remember who you are.." She did but her vision was blurry. The vervain really hurt her.

"Lets go Hayley. Oh and Caroline! Don't think you can escape...You can't." Tyler said before yelling "DAVE!!!".

A muscular guy with a scar on his face walked in. "What?" He asked "How many are you?" Tyler asked "40 and waiting for 20 more." That guy Dave answered.

'God dammit...I am not getting out of here anytime soon...Oh Klaus....Please be here fast...' Caroline thought feeling her eyes starting to water. Her vision got blurry but she blinked the tears away.

She wouldn't give them the satisfaction. She just stared at them,  wearing her bitchy face,  and held her head high. Dave gave her a suspicious and then a smug look.

"Is that her?" He asked "Yes.." Tyler answered "She's hot." Dave said "Eh...I don't really think so.." Tyler said and left with Hayley.

"So you are the one that has the big bad wolf wrapped around you pretty little finger huh? Well at least he has taste." Dave said looking at her up and down. She didn't say anything. She didn't trust her voice not braking from the pain of the vervain and also she was giving silent treatment. She and Bonnie are rather good at silent treatment.

"Not gonna say anything? Ok then...See I am bored....40 other hybrids in there" he motioned through a wooden door. "Are bored. And Tyler and Hayley gave us the right to do anything we want with you except killing you...So what am I gonna do with you?" He asked but she didn't answer,  she didn't drop her eyes off of his either. She didn't look scared,  although she was,  she didn't even flinch.


Klaus was a mess. He was drinking and was locked up in his drawing room while Bonnie was trying to locate Caroline.

It seemed to be a lot harder than she thought since it looked like there were a numerous of spells preventing her from doing that.

The kidnapper probably thought that she couldn't brake them. And if she was a regular witch indeed she wouldn't be able to..But she is Bonnie freaking Bennett and there is no spell anywhere that she can not brake.

It took her more time than she thought....Whoever that guy is had a witch preform at least 20 spells preventing Bonnie from finding Caroline.

Kol though was trying to change her mind on doing it alone. "Little witch please...Let me at least find another witch to help you!" He tried fro the tenth time "Kol how many times do I have to tell you? I got this! I've done way harder spells than those! And you know it!" She answered. "I know....I just don't want to see you get hurt Bonnielass that's all.." He said looking down.

"Wait....Hold on...Is Kol Mikaelson the worse one of the originals,  the one that doesn't give a shit for anyone worried for a nobody witch?!?!" She faked a gasp. "Haha very funny. You're hilarious. And just so you know yes...The people I truly care about can be counted in one hand...And you are one of them..." He said now looking into her eyes.

She was left speechless... Bonnie was about to say something when Klaus interrupted them coming out of his drawing room.

"Will you two stop flirting so we can FIND CAROLINE!!!!! FOR ALL WE KNOW SHE COULD BE DEAD BY NOW!!!" He screamed.

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