Chapter 4: Kalijah

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3rd person's P.O.V.

Elijah woke up the next morning with a slight headache. The memories of the last night came rushing back to him.

Everyone left except, of course, the originals.

He remembered the way he kept looking at Katherine. The moment he saw her, all of the feelings for her that he thought he got over came back and were really painful.

He fell in love with Katherine the moment he first saw her. But she had to be sacrificed for his brother. So that he would break his curse. He couldn't have her...His brother needed her. She somehow found out. And run. And kept running. For 500 she just kept running. He felt like he betrayed her.

But she finally stopped running now!

Then it hit him. Niklaus did not need her anymore! He broke his curse. Elijah could finally make her his. The woman he loved. The only woman he ever really loved.

But what if she didn't feel the same way about him.

No! He was determinated! She was going to be his! He is going to do anything to make her happy! And she was going to be only his! Always and Forever!

He is going to make her feel the way he felt about her! Whatever it was going to take!

The day went so fast no one noticed when it was 8 p.m.

Katherine was taking a walk. She needed the air. All day she was thinking about Elijah and the tension between them.

She felt betrayed by him..She was on the run for 500 years! Away from his brother for half a millennium! And he didn't even try to save her...

She really thought he felt the same way about her as she did. She fell in love with him...And only for a second, she thought he loved her too. She was proved wrong.

She then noticed that she ended up in the woods. A tall figure was there.

"Elijah.." Katherine froze in her place "Hello Katerina.." He moved out of the shadows "What are you doing here?" "I've been looking for you." "In the woods?" "Well it is the only place I haven't looked yet." "What do you want Elijah?" Katherine signed "I wanted to talk to you." "For what?"

Elijah moved closer to her. They were now an inch apart. "For this." he closed the space between them and kissed her. At first she was shocked but then she responded with the same passion he kissed her. Their bodys were on fire from the love, the tension, the desire between them. He pushed her against a tree.

They heard someone coming towards and Elijah pulled away. They looked at each other and Elijah turned away and left. Without a word.

'Ohh I am going to get back at him for this!' Katherine thought. And that is exactly what she was going to do.

Two days later Katherine found out that Klaus, Kol and Rebekah were going to be out of the house for the rest of the day. The were not going to come back until the next morning.

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