Chapter 8: Kidnapped

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3rd person's P.O.V.

It's been a month since the lake incident.

Elijah and Katherine were in a relationship and they couldn't be happier. Caroline and Bonnie never thought that they would see Elijah smiling! Yes. He was smiling.

"I never thought I would see my older brother smiling because of a girl! Is she really that good in bed?" Kol asked when they were having a conversation about his two brothers and their relationships.

"Kol if you don't shut you mouth I will rip out your tongue!" Elijah warned "And just to answer you question..yes...Katerina is amazing in bed.." Elijah blushed.

"Oh come on 'Lijah! I need my tongue! It is a very important organ!" Kol winked. Klaus and Elijah rolled their eyes.

"Well how about we drop me and Katerina and talk about Niklaus and Caroline.."Elijah suggested.

Klaus and Caroline went official two days after what happened to the lake.

Everyone basically knew it would happen sooner or later. The one that was really surprised was Elena, but they didn't really care what she thought.

It is now August.

The three girls decided to have a movie night at the Mikaelson manor and sleep over.

Bonnie was already there and Caroline was grabbing her keys ready to head out when her phone started ringing.

" Klaus? Hey! What's wrong? " she asked "Nothing love I was just wandering where you were." He said "Oh. I am now coming out of my house." She answered closing her door when her phone vibrates from a text. "Hold on for a second." She told Klaus and opened her messages.

Hello Caroline

She was confused. Who could it be?  "Umm Klaus I just got a text. I'll be there in five ok?" She said happily 'cause she just loved talking to her boyfriend. "Hold on Bonnie wants to talk to you." Klaus said. "Caroline?" Bonnie asked "Hey Bon! What's up?" Caroline asked "Caroline I just got a really bad feeling." Bonnie said worried.

Caroline started to worry too. Bonnie's 'feelings' were never wrong. She started to worry if it had something to do with the text she just got. "Please be here fast. And, be. Careful. Please Care... I have a really bad feeling and every time I've had a bad feeling before someone died.." Bonnie sounded really worried "Ok Bonnie...I'll be careful. I promise." Caroline promised.

"Alright love...Be here soon...I love you" Klaus said sounding also worried. He learned to never question the Bennett's witch feelings. "I will Klaus. See you in a while. Love you more!" They hung up. She was smiling about her relationship with her boyfriend.

Boyfriend...Klaus Mikaelson is her boyfriend..She is Klaus' Mikaelson' girlfriend...This will take her some time to stuck in her head....Caroline Elizabeth Mikaelson-Forbes....It had a nice ring to it!

Her phone vibrated again.

You and Klaus freaking Mikaelson?! I didn't know you were such a slut to sleep with the jackass original hybrid Caroline!

Ok! Now that person pissed her off!

Who the Hell are you?! And who do you think YOU are to judge ME! You don't know me or Klaus! You don't have the right to talk like that!

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