Chapter 14: Cursed

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3rd Person P.O.V.

(Two weeks later)

Caroline, Bonnie and Katherine were laughing non-stop at something. In the Mikaelson mansion. They were sitting in Rebekah's room since she was out.

Klaus, Kol and Elijah were sitting on the couch of the living room smiling to themselves while hearing the three girls laugh until Kol got curious at what was so funny.

Klaus agreed with Kol to check on the girls and after a little convincing Elijah agreed too.

"What's so funny love?" Klaus asked as the three boys entered the room. "Oh Katherine here was describing what you and Elijah looked like when she first met you. Apparently Elijah doesn't look so good with long hair." Katherine chuckled at that, but Elijah gave her a slightly offended look.

On the inside Elijah was screaming. *Excuse me! I looked dashing with long hair!* (A/N I can imagine this😂)

"Meanwhile me being a witch I already knew what you Elijah and Kol here looked like back then so that's why I'M laughing." Bonnie said. 

Meanwhile somewhere

"Miss are you sure?" The voice of that person was shaking.. "Yes! I need to kill every vampire alive...I need Bonnie Bennett..Bring her to me!" A stern female voice said "Yes huntress.."

2 days later.

Caroline and Bonnie were shopping after Caroline's determination to get Bonnie out of the house. She has been having really bad feelings the last few days and was in need of cheer up.

After multiple stores 4 hours had already gone by and the decided to go grab lunch.

They turned around in a corner when Bonnie suddenly stopped. "Caroline we need to go back now!" She almost screamed "What? Bonnie wh-" she stopped mid sentence when someone broke her neck.

Bonnie felt a hand wrap around her mouth and suddenly felt weak. She tried fighting the person but her magic was blocked she felt it pushing trying to get out. All that power flew up her head and she felt her nose bleed. She eventually gave up and lost consiousness. 

Caroline woke up in that alley. Seeing Bonnie was no where to be found she run to the Mikaelson's mansion. She started mumbling everything very quickly. "Woah woah! Slow down blondy. Tell us what happened." Kol tried calming her down.

"We were at this alley when Bonnie started sensing something bad. Before I asked her what it was someone broke my neck. When I woke up Bonnie was nowhere to be found. And now I don't know what to do." She said. Kol got up angrily "AND WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAD WITH THAT?!?!" Klaus and Katherine were calming Caroline while Elijah and Kol thought of possible places but it was all too much for Kol.

He stormed out of the house searching for Bonnie. He hated to admit it but the little witch had gone under his skin. He let her in and he doesn't let people in. He might have even fell for her but he was battling himself on that one. The thing is that the witch meant a lot to him and he couldn't imagine living a life without her. So he would search.

Little did he know he was not even close..

With Bonnie

She woke up in a dusty old place that looked like a cellar of a very old house.

"Ah you're awake I see." A voice said. She knew that voice.. "You are trying to recognise me aren't you? Let me give you a hint. You've dreamed about me."

That ringed a bell. She has been seeing the same dream for weeks now. Like flashbacks. That woman saying her name, wooden stakes, a white oak, blood, and Kol dead. What did that woman want from her.

"Interesting question. What do I want from you..." Can she read minds too? "Let me introduce myself. My name is Blair Pieu. I come from a long line of Vampire Hunters and I have the ability to take over someone's body. I have been alive for three centuries hunting and you are the strongest witch I've ever come across in my years of life. So to answer you question. I want to take over your body so I can kill all of your vampire friends. And don't try to think that they'll save you. They can't. You'll die inside. Your soul will die and mine will perminetly live in your body. Now let's get started shall we. While you're still weak."

Bonnie was in shock. What will happen. Will she actually die? Again? Her friends wouldn't allow that would they? What if they don't notice the diffrence? So many questions. But she was too weak. She couldn't even move her arms to try and defend herself or open her mouth and say something.

All she could do was try. She knew she would fight inside her mind. She would not let Blair win or hurt any of her friends. All Bonnie ever wanted to to see her friends happy and Blair would not take that away from her.

So she would wait and fight.

She closed her eyes and felt a sharp pain like every bone on her body was breaking. But she refused to scream. Because of the expression it was harder for Blair to kill Bonnie's soul. She eventually gave up and decided that it was ok if Bonnie was still somewhere but she would disapear eventually. 

The torture went on for days.

Until one day the chanting stopped. Bonnie could feel herself inside her brain. But someone else was controlling her body.

She opened her eyes only the were not hers anymore. 

The huntress inside Bonnie's body contoled every muscle. Bonnie was forced to watch and even though the pain was too much and she screamed and screamed she knew no one could hear her.

Blair got up and left the cave where Bonnie used to be locked up. 

Since she was inside Bonnie's mind she knew exactly where the Mikaelson mannor was so she wasted no time. She took her bag which contained white oak stakes, vervain bombs, stakes, torses, vervain, maches, a lighter and other guns/weapons she could use against vampires.

She knocked on the door with a determinated look on her face when she rethought her intire plan. 

She hid. But of course! This plan is much better. Way more cruel and much more officiant.

She would pretend to be Bonnie Bennett, she would gain their trust, she would kill them one by one and no one will see it coming! That plan will work. Bonnie knew it would and every person she ever cared about would be dead...Including herself.


Hey guys Im sorry i took so long to update... Im writting an original book that Im thinking of publishing and with school it been really hard... So Im sorry,

Btw does anyone know how to make letters Bold here using a chromebook/laptop

Thank you for reading my fanfic..........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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