Chapter 12: Travelers and dates

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(A/n Liam is a totally made up character I thought!)

3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Are you familiar with travelers?" She asked "Yes...What do they have to do with anything?"

*flashback* (A/n btw Bonnie will be commenting on parts of this flash back whenever she does it will be looking like this!)

Bonnie was with Caroline on lunch break watching the other students and gossiping when she got a really weird feeling and her eye fell on a certain students she had not seen before.

He had dark skin color, darker than hers, and hazel eyes. He looked muscular and mysterious. She noticed him using magic to levitate some of the leaves.

'He is a witch?' She asked her self. He saw her starring and she immediately teared her eyes away. If he was new she didn't want him to be scared that she found out his secret although she was positive he already saw her.

The bell rang and the two girls got up to go to class. Caroline had math while Bonnie had history. "See you in a bit!" Caroline said and left.

Before Bonnie could reach her class she felt someone drag her to an empty classroom. She knew who it was.

"What did you see?!" He asked. He was angry. "What are you talking about?" She asked back trying to foul him into thinking she didn't see anything. She took only one second to appreciate his good looks...-He was very good looking you see...And he looked at least a year or two older than us...That is when I thought..What was he doing in a high school practising magic?-

"You know exactly what I am talking about!" He wasn't yelling, he didn't want someone to walk in on them screaming about magic! He used him magic to levitate some papers of the class to prove his point.

Bonnie knew she couldn't hide it anymore. She smiled at him and felt her magic on her fingertips. She didn't even talk she just looked at him smiling and in a second the papers were on fire. He looked behind him socked "Did you do that?" He asked. "Yes...You don't have to worry...I am a witch too I am not gonna tell anyone.." Bonnie said.

"Liam..." He introduced himself "Bonnie Bennett nice to meet you Liam." She said back. "Oh! You are a Bennett witch!!" He said and Bonnie chuckled. 'He seems pretty nice' She thought. -Little did I know....-

It was two months later, Bonnie and Liam were talking every day. She started to have some feelings for him but she drowned then down. She didn't want to lose his friendship.

In the meantime he had met Caroline, Elena, Matt, Tyler, Katherine, Damon and Stefan.

Caroline, Katherine and Stefan told Bonnie that they didn't have a good feeling about that guy and although Bonnie took it as a joke she still had it in the back of her mind to not be completely trustful with him...

One day after those two months he asked her out on a date. -The idiot that I am of course said yes!...idiot..." -"Hey! Don't call yourself an idiot!!"-

She didn't know anything about travelers...But she did know about Silas......

That day the moment the door closed in his car she felt a siring on her neck.

She started feeling dizzy and the last thing she heard was "Sorry Bon..You are what we call...collateral damage..." He smirked and then everything blacked out. -That moment I knew something very bad was about to happen...I should never have gone on that stupid date....-

When Bonnie opened her eyes she was chained up, tied down on a, she didn't even know what it was...All she knew was that she could use her magic to break the chains..They were charmed..

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