Chapter 7: "I love you.."

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3rd person's P.O.V.

It has been a week since Klaus and Caroline kissed and they didn't tell anyone.

It is Sunday and Caroline, Bonnie, Klaus and Kol decided to go to the lake for a swim since it was a really hot day. But Klaus and Kol wanted out mostly because they didn't want to listen to their brother and Katherine having sex all the time. It really traumatised them.

Bonnie and Kol were already at the lake while Caroline and Klaus were at the woods looking for an hunting since they didn't have enough blood bags.

Klaus took a moment to look at Caroline's figure. She was wearing shorts and a tight light pink top on top of her swimsuit. She was really beautiful. 'As always..' He thought.

"Will you keep starring or will you help me find a rabbit to eat?" She asked now looking at him "I was just thinking how beautiful you look love.." She blushed and looked down "Oh...Thank you." She said smiling at him. He smiled back.

After a while they both found three bunnies and drained them completely of blood. Although Klaus noticed that Caroline was hiding her vampire face from him.

"Why are you hiding your vampire face love?" He asked "It's just...I don't want you to see me like that.." She answered "Like what?" He asked again "Like a monster.." She answered looking down.

"Caroline.." She was now looking at him. He turned his face into the hybrid. And she looked at him consumed by his beauty. "Love this is who we are...Our nature...There is nothing to be ashamed of.." He said stepping closer to her their bodys inches from touching.

"Show me your face my love.." He whispered to her. She looked at him in his yellow eyes and turned her face into the vampire.

He was shocked. Even turned she looked like an angel. Even with the vampire face she looked like she was cast out of heaven.

"You're beautiful.." He said. They were so close they could feel each others breath on their face. And she kissed him.

He hold her by the small of her waist while she had her hands on each side of his neck. They pulled away and smiled and kiss again. He licked her bottom lip asking for permition which she gladly granted.

Tongues were fighting. He was the Alfa male he once said but when it came down to Caroline she had him wrapped around her little finger. He knew it was a fight he would lose so he pushed her against a tree taking control.

Not good you'd first thing. Taking control from the biggest control freak there is but Klaus was the only one that made lose control and loving it.

She took his shirt of revealing his magnificent body and he did the same.

She was wearing a red two piece remembering it was his favourite color.

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