Chapter 1: Death

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Kol's P.O.V.

The other side is so cold! I am a freaking Original Vampire! And I can not handle a little cold weather? Of course I can!

I found myself looking at the living world. There I saw Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes and another woman I supposed to be Bonnie Bennett. She was kind of cute. 'What no she is not cute! She is friends with the girl that murdered you! They probably planned it together! Oh well but still... I always had a thing for pretty woman

Gilbert was explaining to the other two girls how she killed me. Probably to brag. But when she finished they looked at her with shocked faces. Did they not planned it together then? Then Bennett spoke. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Then Forbes "You are joking right?" "Why girls? He was Kol Mikaelson! One of the Originals remember?" Then Bennett spoke again "So you just killed him because he is an Original Vampire? Are you for real? What did he even do to you? He is not his brother! You killed an INNOCENT Elena!" "Bonnie what are you talking about? Him? Innocent? Bonnie he has killed so many people! He is far from Innocent!" "Oh so you never killed a person?" "Elena! Are you kidding me!?! Seriously?! That is it I am DONE! Come on Bonnie!" and then they left.

After a while I saw Gilbert going after them! This was entertaining! "Girls please...Jeremy is dead...I have no one else...please.." she started crying. 'Ugh! Does this girl ever stop crying?'

Forbes's jaw dropped. Ohhh she is going to explode! "Really Elena?" said Bennett "Oh I am Elena, my whole family is dead, my brother has been dead for days but I will refuse to believe it and when I do I will turn it off and be a bitch! Oh I am in love with Stefan and I will never leave him. Oh wait no Damon is hotter. But Stefan is the good guy. But Damon is the bad boy. Stefan, Damon, Stefan, Damon, Stefan, Damon. No you know what I will break both of their hearts and then go back to them crying. My best friend is a witch, great lets put her life on the line for me again! Oh Kol is an Original lets kill him and then no one will be mad at me because I can do whatever I fucking want!(Snaps fingers in front of Elena's face) GUESS WHAT ELENA!! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU!! SHOCKING I KNOW!!" Forbes screamed. Then she started walking away. Bennett shook her head "And then you call them the monsters. Good job Elena...I don't even know if I want to be friends with you anymore..." And she walked away too.

Ohhhh that was savage!

Bonnie's P.O.V.

I was walking with Caroline until she decided to go back to her place and sleep. I wanted to go to the Grill for a drink that I really needed right now...

Something felt weird...Like someone was watching my every move...But that would not seem impossible after everything that happened...

Walking in the Mystic Grill I saw Damon with his bourbon... Why does he have to be everywhere I go? "BON BON!! What are you doing here?" I didn't answer I just walked passed him and went to the bar to get that drink. "Anyways I need your help!" "Whatever it is the answer is no." I said calmly. Any favour they ever ask from me goes with the danger of mine or anybody else's life.. Well except Caroline... We basically grew up together. We are like sisters...If someone ever hurt her I am pretty sure I would kill him/her.

"Come on Bon Bon, I screwed up and I need your help!" "Oh you screwed up? That's new!" I said ironically "Not funny..I killed someone and I need help!" "Oh you killed someone? That definitely does not sound like you!" I said ironically again. "Bonnie I do really need your help!" "Leave me alone Damon!"

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