Chapter 6: "It was always you..."

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Caroline's P.O.V.

I was home sitting on my couch watching tv when my phone buzzed from a text.

Hello love

What do you want Klaus?

I was wandering if you had sometime to talk.

About what?

I just needed someone to talk to and you, love, are the only one that I would want to talk with.

I guess I have some time...

Thank you.. See you at the Grill in 20 minutes love..

Yeah ok. But you need to stop calling me love.

I don't really see that happening anytime soon love..

'Ugh! Could he be more annoying!' It's not that I don't like it when he calls me love. I love it! That is why he needs to stop! It is messing with my head.

I got dressed wearing a black shirt with a v neck and some blue jeans with my leather jacket. My hair were in their normal curls. I grabbed my keys and left the house.

3rd person's P.O.V.

The minute Caroline entered the Grill his eyes fell on her. He was drinking and checking her out. She should have gotten used to it by now but she wasn't.

She approached the bar and ordered "Hello there love.." he smirked at her "Why am I here again Klaus?" she asked a bit annoyed.

He looked at her up and down "I just wanted to talk to you.." he smiled. He seemed to be doing that a lot when he is around Caroline. "Why me?" she asked curiously looking right in his eyes pircing into his very soul.

"Because you are one of the only people I trust.." his smile was now gone but she hid her disappointment. She really liked when he smiled 'And those damn dimples!' she thought. "And why do you trust me? If I recall correctly you did try to kill all of my friends. How are you so sure that I am not here to spy on you? Or to find your weakness?" she had a teasing tone in her voice although her face was serious.

"Because....I know that you are not that kind of person.. You hate lying and you are not very good at it. You also hate when your friends use you as a distraction or use you generally. And besides you don't have to look..You already know my weakness..." he looked into her eyes knowing that he was saying the truth "Oh really? And what is that?" she asked with a half smile.

He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear "You..." he said his hot breath in her neck. She blushed and failed to hide her smile. He moved away just a bit to be face to face with her. "It's always been you Caroline.." her name escaping his lips. She loved the way he said her name. Like it belonged to be said by him. "Since the day I first saw you. Strangling to get out of Rebekah's grib so you can be near Tyler although you knew it could be dangerous for you. And then on your birthday when I healed you...Then I looked at you.. From what I've heard you were a weak, attention seeker girl but when I saw it with my own eyes. You were bitten by a werewolf but you still tried to make a joke. Your light was all around me trying to suffocate me. All I could think about was to save you. I didn't know why. But you brought out the little humanity left in me and you made it whole again. You were laying there bleeding and weak but you still managed to look beautiful and you had this fire in your eyes. At the ball you took my breath away. When I saw you all the air left my lungs and I couldn't breath. That night you were so honest with me and although you knew very well who I was and I what I was capable of doing you did not back away. I can't stop thinking of you...Caroline... You are always in my head. And I can not get you out....You are the only one that brings my humanity out....You are my weakness..."

She opened her mouth to say something but she ended up closing it again. Caroline Forbes was left speechless and had nothing to say. He looked at her with a way that she knew he was saying the truth. "Love...say something..." he said a bit worried she will reject him and he prepared himself.

She shook her head and his anxiety hit it's limit but in a flash she crashed their lips together. He kissed back hungrily and she pulled away.

They looked at each other and Caroline felt something she never had before. She felt wanted, loved, the one... And so she kissed him again.

"I have to admit love...I did not expect that.." he said "Shut up and kiss me!" she said. And so he did. He held her by the small of her waist while their tongues were fighting for dominience. She had her hands on each side of his neck. They left the Grill but they didn't even go far before he pinched her to the wall and continued kissing her and she kissed back with the same passion. She could feel just how long he was waiting just to kiss her.

They were lost in their own little world when- "WHAT THE HELL CAROLINE?!?!"


They pulled apart and looked at the brunette doppelgänger with her jaw dropped. "Elena..." Caroline greeted venom obvious on her voice. 'I swear this girl knows the exact wrong time to show up!' The blonde thought.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SNOGGING KLAUS FREAKING MIKAELSON?!?!" Elena screamed. Caroline flinched "Keep it down Elena! And who the hell do you think YOU are to judge ME?!??"

Elena seemed dumbfounded "Ugh!" she walked away looking annoyed "Well....That was awkward..." Klaus exclaimed. For a second Caroline forgot he was there but she looked at him and giggled.

"It most certainly was!" They laughed together.

"Well...I think I should get home...My mom will be wandering where I am.." Caroline blushed "Of course Love! Let me walk you home." He said "Oh what a gentleman! Worried I don't get attacked on my way home?" she laughed "Yeah..Attacked from a certain Doppelgänger." he laughed too.

When they reached her front door he turned her around right before she walked in "We should do that again love..." he said smirking "And we will. Goodnight Klaus.." she gave him a light peck on the lips and walked in "It is love...It is indeed a fabulous night."

Back to his room Klaus finally slept after a long time knowing that a certain blonde baby vampire would hunt his dreams..

Writer's notes..........❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Hey you guysssssssss

I am really sorry I took that long to update....

I hope you can forgive me...

Anyways we have some Klaroline action on this chapter!!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!!

I rather liked this...😂😂

I hope you enjoyed...

Thank you for reading my fanfic!!!❤❤❤❤

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