Chapter 5: Weirdly friends

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Bonnie's P.O.V.

I woke up with a hangover. The memories of the previous night never leaving me.

I brought my hand on my lips where I kissed Kol freaking Mikaelson! Should I really be like that sometimes? Why couldn't I pass?

Not that I didn't enjoy it! He was a rather good kisser...'WHAT?! NO HE WASN'T!!! But he was.... Dear God... Shut up brain!'

Well I bet that I will never see him again so there is nothing to worry about! Right?

Kol's P.O.V.

'Ughh that witch! What spell did she put on me?? Why can't I just forget our stupid kiss?! It was a freaking dare! It didn't mean anything! I've kissed billions of girls before! So why do I feel that her kiss was different? I mean she is a really good kisser....Like really good! That witch has some tricks!'

Getting up from the bed I moved to the bathroom to take a shower.

She probably thinks that she will never see me again. I'll prove her wrong. She did save my ass after all. I am not going to leave her alone now..

No, I am not going to be annoying I am just going to try and be friends with her...She saved my life... Not even my family tried saving me...And then here comes this girl that hasn't even met me but because she thinks that I died unfairly she brought me back....

I will always be thankful for that!

Maybe we can be....friends...

Bonnie's P.O.V.

The day was boring and it ended fast. I had that feeling that someone was watching me but I shrugged it off.

It was 2 a.m. when I woke up from my usual nightmare. Cold and sweety I decided to have a shower and take a walk to the woods.

Yes, call me crazy for walking in the forest in the middle of the night when vampires, werewolves and hybrids are in the town. But I am a powerful witch so I can defend myself in front of a dangerous situation.

I wore skinny jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket. I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out.

I was already far from home and headed to the waterfalls.

Closing my eyes I took in the wind while my feat dragged me to the place I wanted to go.

I stopped walking and opened my eyes. The view of the waterfalls at night always calmed me.

 The view of the waterfalls at night always calmed me

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The feeling that I was being watched got to me again.

"Greetings little witch!" I turned around to see Kol with his known smirk on his face. "Kol. What are you doing here?" "Can't sleep. You?" "Can't sleep either.."

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