Chapter 10: This is NOT goodbye!

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3rd person's P.O.V.

She felt death coming to her and she wasn't fighting it anymore....

Klaus' P.O.V.

"CAROLINE!!!" I screamed in agony.

I listened to her heartbeat slow down...dangerously...and she was wasn't breathing...

I run to her and broke the chains that were holding her. They were full of vervain..Her clothes were ripped and she had several marks and bites across her body. "Oh my love...What did they do to you?"

He bit his wrist and tried to feed her his blood but she wasn't responding and he could no longer hear her heartbeat... He started crying..

"Please Caroline..Please my love don't leave me...Don't leave me...Drink my love...I am begging you...Don't go..." He begged her..he saw the tears in her beautiful face that was full of brushes.

3rd person P.O.V.

In a blink of an eye Kol, Bonnie, Elijah and Katherine stormed in the room.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" Katherine screamed as she saw Caroline's limp body and Klaus crying.

"She is not drinking...Her stopped beating...I can't w-wake her up.."  Klaus' voice broke. "She is d-dying.."

With tears in her eyes Bonnie's mind was spinning with 1.000 thoughts on how to save her best friend when it hit her.

'This is NOT goodbye!' She thought.

"Klaus..Do you really love her? With all you heart and soul? And be 100% honest with me...Would you take the risk...And die for her?" Bonnie asked.

Klaus looked at the witch the tears kept on falling as he hugged the limp body of his love.."Yes...Yes I would..." He answered.

Bonnie nodded. "I can save her...But it comes with the risk of you dying..." She explained. But all Klaus heard was I can save her.

"Do it! Do what you have to do! her.." He said looking at his now dead and grey love.

Bonnie nodded and motioned to the others to leave.

Kol was a bit resistant but eventually he left too.

Bonnie told to Klaus to lay Caroline down and lay next her holding her hand.

He did as he was told and Bonnie started chanting while on her knees in the middle of the couple.

The energy they gave her, the love between them, was so strong that she was sure she could bring both of them back.

Klaus felt his own heart slow it's beating and he closed his eyes.

The moment his heart stopped beating Caroline's color came back to her and she gasped for air.

"Bonnie?!?" She asked as she saw her best friend still chanting a spell. Then she looked next to her and saw Klaus laying dead holding her hand.

She immediately started crying. "No! No no no no no! Please no! Klaus..." She cried hugging his body.

"" She kept mumbling while dumping his shirt with her tears.

Then everything blacked out.

2 days later...

Caroline woke up screaming. "KLAUS!!!" She used her vamp speed to go down the stairs of the mikaelson manor. That's when she realised that she was back to the manor. She tried to use her speed again but dropped to her knees.

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