Chapter 11: Expression..

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

"...Expression..." She said weakly as the black veins were moving upwards.

Kol grabbed her shoulders and he felt Bonnie channelling him. The veins stopped and started disappearing. Then Bonnie passed out.

He picked her up bridal style and laid her in the bed. Her nose was bleeding so he used a paper towel to wipe the blood away.

Kol felt his fangs coming out as he smelled the blood...He couldn't lie to himself she smelled delicious....And so tempting... But he did NOT want to hurt her...Yes he always had a weakness for witch blood but this witch...This witch is the only friend he has...And he would never hurt her.

As he saw the frown in her face disappear little by little he felt himself smiling.

Immediately he sped off to his house library, a place he didn't spent much time in by the way, and searched the old grimoires for expression...And what he found out made him be at the verge of crying....


Expression is a different kind of magic similar to dark magic but way more dangerous...

If a witch uses Expression she/he feels like they can do anything and they can. Expression can make a witch pull off the strongest of spells without a problem but it all comes with a price...

It tempts the witch to use dark magic and because the temptation is too big most witches do exactly that...

But because Expression is a different kind of magic it makes the witch be in physical pain and emotional disaster since dark magic takes over the spirit of the witch that uses it...

Is Expression is forced in a witch it is worse...

The organism of the witch tries to make their normal magic come back but Expression stops it...

While on forced Expression a witch can not control her actions and if she/he tries to do strong spells it tires them...

If Expression is forced into a witch it kills the witch little by little every day...

If the witch tires her/him self Expression finds it easier to kill the witch and usually when that happens black veins appear on the whole body...

When the veins reach the eyes the heart stops and the witch is dead...

Expression can not be stopped...

Usually the witch can channel someone close to her/him and they slow Expression down...

But their is nothing that the witch can do or anyone....

The witch dies....

There are only 2 times in the history of time that the witch mastered Expression making them the most powerful witch to have walked the earth....

Mastering Expression means the witch can use normal, Expression, dark and any kind of magic there is..

But both times they were so powerful that many people wanted them dead...

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