Chapter 13: The date

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(A/n I just love this picture!)

3rd person's P.O.V.

Klaus and Caroline were getting ready for their date.

Klaus and Caroline were getting ready for their date

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When Caroline got out of her house she saw Klaus sitting outside his car.

The moment he saw her his jaw dropped, he quickly closed it. Once again mesmerised by her beauty.

"Hello love." He greeted "Hello Nik." She said back. He smiled at the name and opened her door for her. "Oh my, what a gentleman!" Caroline faked an accent. He chuckled. "Only for you love." He got in to the car and started driving. Not 15 minutes later they were in what looked like the woods.

Caroline got out of the car but before she could say anything she was blindfolded. "I wanted it to be a surprise love..Be patient." He said whispering in her ear which made her shiver a bit but she tried her hardest not to show it. Some steps ahead he took the blindfold of...And her breath too..

What she saw was the most perfect place for a date she could have ever imagined

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What she saw was the most perfect place for a date she could have ever imagined.

Exactly what she dreamed of as the perfect date. Not an expensive restaurant or a formal dance/exhibition. No. But a quiet night in the woods only the two of them with a fire and some candles in a romantic dinner with the man that she loves.

She turned around to look at him. The light of the fire and the candles lighting up his face and making his curly hair look a darker shade of strawberry blonde. He was really gorgeous.. She planted a light kiss on his lips before saying. "Its perfect..." He smiled. "Well don't just thank me, thank Bonnie too. She gave me some ideas." He said and Caroline chuckled. "Of course she did!"

They sat down. They were talking and eating when Klaus asked "Love...I have been meaning to ask you....Are you happy? Really happy with me?" He hesitated. "Why would you ask me that?" She smiled "Nik...I. Love. You. Of course I am happy! I am beyond happy with you!"

After an amazing night they both went back to his mansion.

A/N Hey guys I know this exactly a chapter I just wanted to fill you in about the date.

I am having a Major Author's Block on this story! I am open to suggestions! Please if you have any of them tell me!

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