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"Taeyong?" A voice said from in front of him.

Taeyong didn't even need to look up to know who it was.

Taeyong could only dream of hearing this voice again.

He's waited so fucking long for this moment.

He looked directly in front of him and he was proven right.

The real Johnny looked better than the Johnny he saw in his dreams.

"Hi, Johnny." Taeyong smiled. He stood up and walked over to him.

"Hi, Taeyong." Johnny smiled back.

They soon left the building.

"So, where's your car?" Johnny asked.
"I actually don't have one. Nor a license. I walked here." Taeyong giggled.
"Really? I thought you had one."
"Maybe you saw my sister's car. She drives me around sometimes."
"Oh. Well, how far did you walk?"
"Uhh.....a little bit over 31 blocks."

Johnny was amazed. 31 blocks.

"Was it hard for you to get here?" Johnny asked.
"No, well actually yes. But then I thought about that it was for you so I didn't mind after a while."

"You were thinking about me?" Johnny smirked.

Taeyong blushed like a mad man.

"Y-yeah," Taeyong replied.

"All for me huh? I noticed you're alternating between Korean and English. Is that for me as well?"

"Damn you, Johnny. Being hot as hell and flirty as fuck." Taeyong thought to himself.

Taeyong just nodded and smiled.

They were talking while walking. Only 29 blocks left.

"How have you been Johnny?" Taeyong asked in English.
"I was kinda lonely. Being away from my new friends and stuff. You can understand, right?" Johnny asked.

"Haha no. I have like no friends. Well maybe me, Yuta, and Mark are friends but I don't know about Jaehyun. And even if I had friends at SOPA, they're probably gone. I'm still so close to murdering Jiyoon for that shit." Taeyong thought to himself. Or at least he thought he did.

"That's.......depressing," Johnny said.
"What is?" Taeyong asked.
"What you just said. About having no friends and stuff."
"That was out loud?"

There was some awkward silence before Johnny spoke again.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what happened?" He asked.

Taeyong was silent. What had happened a few weeks ago was traumatizing.

"I mean you don't have to tell me. It's just better to let someone know what's wrong."
"No, I'll tell you."

Taeyong took a deep breath and explained everything.

"A few weeks ago, a girl named Yang Jiyoon confessed that she had a crush on me. I rejected her for my own reasons, and then she told the whole school a secret about me that only she knew before she told everyone. And then everyone started being mean to me. Luckily I handled the situation very well." He explained.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what did she tell everyone?" Johnny asked.
"She told everyone my biggest secret, Johnny." Taeyong said.

He looked Johnny in the eyes.

"This is probably the most awkward way to do this. Johnny, I'm gay." He said.
"Really? Huh. I thought you were straight. At least it's nice to know that I have a fellow queer to hang out with now. I'm bi myself." Johnny replied.

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