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WARNING: This chapter spoils a moment in the last episode of Friends. I will put the other warning when the spoiler comes.


The sun had set on Johnny and Taeyong's time together that summer. And now Taeyong had found himself walking home.


From the airport to his house. All 31 blocks.

Without Johnny.

It was a long, slow trudge from place to place. It was almost as if he was moving in slow motion. That he was on autopilot while he recalled every bit of his summer with Johnny that he could.

He remembered when Lee Sooman called him into his office. He was excruciatingly nervous. He thought something bad would happen, but it turns out that Mr. Lee was just telling him that Johnny would be coming soon and they'd live together for the summer.

He remembered running home, into his room, jumping onto the bed, and screaming into his pillow. He was excited, yet so nervous.

He cleaned the whole house that day. And also the day Johnny arrived.

He remembered how much his feet hurt from walking 31 blocks to the airport. He practically melted on the airport bench.

He remembered when Johnny finally arrived. How they walked home together.

"You were thinking about me?"

How they talked about what Jiyoon did to Taeyong. And Taeyong coming out to Johnny in the most awkward way possible.

"Really? Huh. I thought you were straight. At least it's nice to know that I have a fellow queer to hang out with now. I'm bi myself."

He remembered the awkward silences.

"I missed you. More than I thought I would actually."

He remembered humming a song with Johnny. And how the sun slowly set as they got closer to Taeyong's house. How once he got to the park, he remembered he wanted to show off the polaroids of the sunset.

He remembered the conversation with his parents and sister. And showing Johnny his room and the pictures.

"Dude your room is so pretty."

And he remembered that night. How he dragged Johnny out of the house and they laid on the grass together.

They gazed at the stars. Shining and a whitish-grey color.

Everything about that day was perfect.

WARNING: Friends spoiler right now!!!!!!!

He wished Johnny could've pulled a Rachel and instead of flying to Chicago, he'd get off the plane and just stay with him.

When the moment at the airport hit, he wished time would stop. They would be hugging each other and would never have to let go. It would be perfect.

Later than sooner, he got to the park. Then to his house. Then to his room.

And he just broke down. He cried for a good couple of minutes.

He missed Johnny. And waiting 5 months to see him would be hard.

But it would be worth it.



I'm so sorry. I really wanted to update this sooner, but other things got in the way.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you always,

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