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We reached 1K!!!!! Actually over 1K but stiiiiiiiill.

Also, this chapter has sensitive stuff in it so beware.

Also, I have a question.

Neo Zone: The Final Round or Regular-Irregular, which would you rather listen to on repeat?

Taeyong was daydreaming about Johnny as usual, but it suddenly got interrupted.

"Taeyong," Johnny said as he walked out of Taeyong's bathroom.
"Mmm yeah, Hyung?" Taeyong replied with his eyes still being shut.

"What is this?" Johnny asked.

Taeyong knew of only one thing Johnny would've been asking about. If only he could've hidden it better.

Taeyong hesitantly opened his eyes.

Yep. Exactly what he thought it was.

A razor blade with dried blood on it from at least a month ago.

Taeyong was kinda moody when it came to that. The usually angelic Taeyong turned into an utter asshole within seconds.

"I love how you're pretending to not know what it is nor what I'd do with it," Taeyong said.

"Yong, I think we should talk," Johnny said and sat next to Taeyong.
"What're you gonna do? Break up with me?" Taeyong asked, sarcastically.

Johnny just kept his cool.

Johnny then held Taeyong's hand, changing the other's mood back in an instant.

"Yongie, this is a very serious topic. Have you told a doctor about this?"
"No. And I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"Cause I don't need people worrying about me. I'm perfectly fine."

"What part of cutting yourself is fine, Yong?"

Taeyong didn't even answer.

"Look at me," Johnny said. Taeyong looked him in the eyes.

"Now I want you to tell me that you're fine while looking directly at me. Ok?"

Taeyong nodded.

"Hyung, I'm fine," Taeyong said, tears already forming in his eyes.

"Ok? I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

And with those three words, Taeyong just broke down.

He just cried. He then clung to Johnny for dear life. And he just kept crying.

"Hyung, nothing's fine. Everything is wrong. Everything is wrong and will always be wrong." Taeyong cried.

"What makes you say that?" Johnny asked.


Taeyong just kept crying.

But soon the wailing stopped and Johnny thought Taeyong was done crying.

But no. He wasn't.

His wailing had stopped, yet tears still fell from Taeyong's cheeks.

Just silent tears in a silent room. The only difference is that Johnny was there, otherwise, this was pretty much Taeyong's daily routine.

"Hyung, am I that unlikeable?" Taeyong asked Johnny.

"Is that why no one at SOPA ever wanted to be my friend?"

Johnny was appalled at Taeyong's statement.

"What? Taeyong, you are the most likable person I know. You're the bestest friend anyone could ask for. Those people are out of their minds for not liking you." Johnny said.

Taeyong just cried harder.

"Taeyong look at me."

Taeyong looked at Johnny with teary eyes, making Johnny want to cry as well.

"You don't realize how important you truly are. Do you know how lucky I am to have you in my life in general? You will make one man very happy one day, Taeyong. And that guy will look at you one day and think 'damn, I married Lee Taeyong'."

"You mean it?"

"Of course I do. I've known that since the first time I saw you."

Taeyong hugged Johnny tightly.

"Thanks, Hyung, you're the best."

Angsty chapter today

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love you always,

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