Neil's House

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"What the fuck have you two been smoking?" Larry said to Travis and Sal, who had just told him what Timothy said.

"We haven't been smoking anything Larry, we're serious." Sal said.

Larry sighed and said, "None of this makes any sense. I-"

He was cut off by a knock on the front door.

"Didn't Timothy say that my dad would try coming here next?" Travis whispered.

"I forgot." Sal whispered back.

Larry said "Go to the treehouse." and went to get the door. 

Larry was kind of surprised to see Kenneth Phelps at his door, despite Sal and Travis's warnings. 

"Can I help you?" Larry asked.

"Have you seen my son, Travis, recently?" Kenneth asked.

"Can't say that I have, sorry." Larry replied.


Kenneth walked into Larry's apartment. 

"Dude what are you-"

He was once again cut off mid-sentence, but this time by something far more dire. Kenneth had pulled out a gun and was pointing it straight at Larry's face.

"I'll ask you one more time." Kenneth threatened. "Have you seen my son, Travis?"

Larry hesitated, and Kenneth pushed the gun closer to his face. 

"You wouldn't shoot me." Larry said, not completely sure where he was going with this.

"And why not?" Kenneth asked.

"Because I know who the fake ones are in your little cult. You know, the inside eyes." Larry said.

Kenneth gave Larry an apprehensive look, and then lowered his gun. He went to leave, but stopped at the door. He turned around and said, "I'll see you again, Johnson." 

As soon as Kenneth closed the door, Larry dashed out to the treehouse. 

"Travis, your dad is a fucking psychopath." Larry said, before he was even fully inside the treehouse.

"So it was him?" Sal asked.

"Yeah and he put a gun to my forehead!" Larry exclaimed.

Travis buried his face in his hands and muttered "if only grandpa could've used a condom..."

Sal patted his shoulder and said, "It's alright Travis. We'll figure this out."

Larry said, "Well, I'm pretty sure we can't stay here anymore." 

"I'm pretty sure Neil's parents are on vacation somewhere. Maybe we can try and crash with him for a little while?" Sal said. 

"Yeah, that works. I don't think the cult would really find him suspicious." Travis said. 

-- -- 

The three of them were making their way out of the apartments, when they heard a familiar voice from behind them.

"Where have you guys been?" You asked. "And, Travis, why was your dad at my house?" 

Sal, Larry, and Travis, looked at eachother, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want to come with us to live at Neil's for a while?" Larry offered.

You looked at the boys, completely confused. "What the hell is going on?" You asked.

"It's a long story." Travis said.

"Well, we have all Summer." You replied. 

-- -- 

You had decided to go with them to Neil's. You weren't yet completely sure what all of this was about, but you needed to know.

"And then Timothy said that the guy named James died of a heroin overdose and-"

"A heroin overdose?" You said, interrupting Sal.

"Yeah..." Sal said. 

"Did Timothy happen to mention anything else about James?" You continued.

"No... why?" Sal asked.

"Because that was my dad's name, and he died of a heroin overdose..." You said.

"Oh. Do you think it's the same person?" 

"Maybe... But I don't know."

-- --

Neil gladly let the four of you stay with him, which you were all very grateful for. Sal, Travis, and Larry decided that you should probably stay with them for the time being, sense you had possible ties to the cult as well.

You had told your mom that you wouldn't be gone for long, only a couple weeks at max.

You never could have predicted the events that would take place only a few nights later, that would change all of that.

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