California, Here We Come!

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You woke up the next morning, in the middle of a cornfield.

"What the hell...?" You said sleepily. 

You looked to your right and saw Sal, who still seemed to be sleeping. You noticed that the sun was at about the middle of the sky, so it must've been around noon.

You stood up, trying to see if you could find Larry or Travis anywhere nearby. You couldn't. You bent back down, trying to wake up Sal.

"Sal, wake up." You said as you shook him softly.

"Hmm..?"  He said quietly.

"I don't know where we are and we need to find the other two." You said.

"Where are they?" He said, his eyes still shut.

"I don't know, that's why we need to find them." You replied.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"I don't- just get up!" You said, forcing him up.

"Ok, ok, I'm up." He said.

Within only a few seconds he said "They're over there you dumbass." as he pointed to Travis and Larry, who were talking to each other only a few rows away.

You hit the back of Sal's head for calling you a dumbass. 

"Why are we in a cornfield?" You asked as you approached Larry and Travis.

"Why wouldn't we be in a cornfield?" Larry replied.

"Well, where are we?" You asked, avoiding Larry's previous question. You weren't really sure how to answer it.

"In a cornfield." Travis said.

You rolled your eyes and walked away.

You weren't really a morning person. 

The four of you made your way out of the cornfield and onto the side of the highway. You were a few towns over from Nockfell.

Eventually you found a payphone and you all decided to call your parents. Well, except for Travis, of course.

Sal was on the phone with his dad.

"Hey dad." He said nervously.

"Hey Sal, where've you been?" His dad asked.

"Umm... I'm near Conneautville..." Sal replied quietly.

Henry took a deep inhale then said, "Sal, why the fuck are you near Conneautville?"

"It's a long story." Sal replied.

"I'm coming to pick you up. You are fucking grounded." 

Henry was pretty mad.

"Wait, dad, just hear me out, please. We're in danger, and we can't go back to Nockfell anytime soon. I know it sounds insane, but please trust me."

"What do you mean 'we'? Who are you with?"

"Larry, Y/N, and Travis."

"You four need to come home, right now."

"I'm sorry dad, we can't."

"Yes you can, and you will."

"I'll keep in touch, don't worry. Bye dad, love you." Sal said before hanging up the phone.

Lisa was equally as worried and upset with Larry is Henry was with Sal.

Your mom didn't pick up.

"She's probably just at work, we can try calling her again later." Travis said.

"Or she's higher than a fucking kite." You muttered under your breath. 

You continued walking, and eventually decided that it might be a good idea to hitch hike. After about ten minutes of waiting, a girl who looked to be in her early twenties pulled over. She had medium length, platinum blonde hair, and beautiful silver eyes. 

"You guys need a ride?" She said in a cheery tone.

"Yeah, where you headed?" Larry asked.

"West, towards LA." The girl replied.

"Awesome, us too." Larry said. You got into the car. Larry sat in the front while you Sal and Travis sat in the back.

"My name is Elise, nice to meet you." Elise said with a smile.

"I'm Larry," Larry said, "And that's Y/N, Sal, and Travis."

"Nice to meet you." Sal said. 

"So, why are you guys headed out to LA all by yourself? You seem pretty young." Elise asked.

"Long story short, we're kind of running away." You said. 

"Oh, I get it. I was a runaway too. It's a tough lifestyle, but I'm sure you guys will adapt." Elise said encouragingly.

You were admittedly pretty worried about hitch hiking at first, what with all of those horror stories of people getting picked up then found dead 30 miles in the woods. But Elise actually seemed pretty sweet. 

Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

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