April 9, 2018

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If you've truly met Jesus, you'll want others to taste and see Him too! If they don't see, or care, still we must tell them. Don't shy away. Know Your God. He is altogether lovely so much more than what He has done. Know Him.

Psalm 147

Praise the Lord. Sing unto His Name. It is acceptable and fitting we worship in spirit and in truth. Give your all in worship, hold nothing back. He is the Healer. He cares for those cast down. He is omniscient. He is amazing in knowledge and power. Humble yourself. Why are you proud? Praise Him! Be thankful unto Him and bless His Name.

He is in control of all nature. It does His bidding. He does all things well.

He feeds His creatures, won't He also feed us?

The Lord is pleased with those that stand in holy awe and fear of Him. In any other way is rather disrespectful. Hope in His mercy. He is faithful. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

Genesis 45

God can turn bad for good! Repay kindness for evil. It's for the Lord to avenge us.

"See that ye fall not out by the way." Don't stray off the path. Be faithful. Pray the Lord will keep you.

Jeremiah 24

The best we can ask for is to be given a heart to know God, for Him to claim us as His and to be our God forever. Be sincere in repentance. Turn to Him with all of your heart.

Mark 11

Hold nothing back that the Lord requires. Nothing is too great a price for the Lord.

Sing praises to the Lord who came to save us from all our sins! Praise the Lord!

It's a sin to use the church for secular activities. It's also sin to peddle the things of God for money. This also goes for TV preachers.

Have faith in God. This is Jesus' requirements. His own Words. Have faith. Don't doubt. Doubt comes from a desperately evil heart. It's a sin. Pray for forgiveness and deliverance. Believe 100%. Pray in faith.

Don't expect a blessing if you harbor unforgiveness. Give us clean hands and hearts, Lord! Forgive as you want Christ to forgive you. Full and complete with utmost sincerity. Forgive, else you won't be forgiven. This is serious.

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