May 7, 2018

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We must be willing to give up all for the sake of the Lord. These are those that the Lord will use. Find your sufficiency and fulfillment in Him. He is enough. Never hold anything back.

Exodus 25-27

Give willingly. The Lord is the One who has given all. Give cheerfully back to Him. God's desire has always been to dwell in us and with us. God meets with us in prayer.

Let the fire of the Holy Ghost forever burn in me. Don't grieve the Spirit that it go out. Tend the fire. Don't grow tired or lazy that they die out.

Daniel 7

There will be a day of judgment, the Lord our Righteous Judge. He is altogether Pure, no sin can dwell in His sight. His holy fire will purge all dross, revealing what our thoughts, motives, etc, are. He is forever attended on and praised by His ministering servants. His is the everlasting Kingdom and He will dwell in and among us forever. Wickedness and persecution will be gone forever. All will serve and love Him. This is a glorious hope to remember as persecution is certain.

The antichrist will make war with God's people, but the Lord has set a limit and He will rescue us gloriously! The antichrist will rule 3 1/2 years, but God has prevailed and we will receive our inheritance.

James 3

The more we know, the more we'll be judged. Watch your mouth. We shouldn't speak as the world does! Repent for any bitterness, envy and strife. We here those sins are, there is wickedness. Seek God's wisdom. Live pure, peaceable, gentle and merciful. Produce the fruits of the Spirit. Don't show favoritism. Don't be hypocritical. Be holy.

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