June 13, 2018

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Numbers 8

Serve God in your youth, while you have strength to give your very best. Don't put off serving the Lord or coming to Him- it then may be too late.

2 Chronicles 32

Find comfort in the Lord. Know who He is. Be strong in the Lord, don't be anxious and afraid. Don't fear men. Don't listen to the enemy's voice planting seeds of discontent, confusion and doubt.

Those that trust God won't be ashamed. When the enemy comes in like a flood, cry to Jesus! He will lift up a standard! Rescuing King!

Watch against pride. Take heed lest you fall. Be humble. God sends trials, not so He'll see the outcome, but that we may know what's in our heart.

Revelation 12

The devil is the accuser of the brethren. Those redeemed overcome the wicked one by the Blood of Jesus. The people are God are targeted by the enemy.

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