May 16, 2018

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Don't be filled with self pity, it begins murmurs. Though we be poor in this earth, we are rich in Christ. The Lord has all in His hand, He is able to provide. Take your eyes off yourself and the storm and focus on Christ.

Exodus 34

Seek God's face first and early. Don't 'get ready', BE READY. The Lord is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, true, good and just. God pronounced this upon Himself and God isn't a man that He should lie. It's utter truth. Be reverent to the Lord.

Thought God spoke to Moses as friends, yet Moses still was reverent. Our greatest pleas should be: forsake us not, forgive us and accept us.

Don't be entangled in iniquity. Worship no other. Set apart yourself as a holy vessel, fit for the Master's use. Cast down all that would exalt itself against the Lord. No idols! Observe the sabbath whether or not it's convenient for you.

Leviticus 4-6

We must confess for willful and sins done in ignorance. Again, there is a foreshadowing of Jesus, the Lamb of God without blemish. Ask the Lord for revelation, wisdom and discernment with the conviction to root it out.

We must always confess to the Lord even for sins done without realizing. Sin cannot dwell before the Lord we must seek forgiveness and never use grace in vain.

"Small sins" in our sight are huge to God. Don't let the fire of the Holy Ghost die out lest we become lukewarm. Come to God daily!

3 John

Pray for the good of others. Edify each other. Follow that which is good, not evil. By their fruits you'll know them.

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