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25. have you ever

BQOTD: Any baby names you think would be nice?

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It's so fucking early. 5:30 am in the fucking morning.

Why did my baby have to make me feel like shit right this second? This early in the morning?

I groaned, shooting up from my bed, the taste of bile rising in my throat. I ran into the bathroom and threw up the contents of my stomach. I felt Huxley lean over me and start pulling my hair back.

"Huxley, go back to sleep," I said in between gags. I knew he was tired. He'd been getting up early every day for the past couple of weeks and the telltale dark rings were beginning to form under his eyes. I felt horrible, knowing I was the cause of him feeling exhausted throughout the day.

"No, stunning. If you need me then I'm up with you." He whispered as held my hair back. The gagging finally stopped and I was left there heaving for a few minutes. I got up weakly and with Huxley's help. He stood by my side as I quickly brushed my teeth to rid myself of the vile aftertaste of vomit in my mouth.

I left the bathroom, crawling back into bed with Huxley doing the same a moment later. I cuddled up with Huxley and sighed in content, closing my eyes for the sake of it. I began stroking the small protrusion of my stomach and I smiled. I'm a month along now. Four weeks. It felt surreal.

It was warm under my hand. That warmth comforted me beyond belief. It was as if my body was reassuring me that this is real, that my baby was safe and healthy.

Huxley's consistent sighs told me he was still awake and unable to go to sleep like myself. "Huxley?"

"Yeah, stunning?" His groggy answer caused my heart to ache. He's exhausted, yet he couldn't sleep because I was awake.

"Do you want to feel my baby bump?"

"Fuck yes!" He responded quickly, his whisper yell exemplifying his genuine excitement and interest. My heart melted at how excited he was. He placed his warm hands on my belly, stroking my bump with his thumb. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. I draped my knee over his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his shoulder and traced shapes in the small hairs of his naked chest.

"Have you thought of any names?" I whispered into the night, kissing his cheek in a prolonged manner.

"Hmm," He stroked the bump of my belly before taking gentle hold of my hip, pulling me to my side and further into his warm hold. "A few. You?"

"A lot." I looked into his chocolate eyes as I traced the word 'yes' on his chest.

"What are they?" He whispered as he stroked my hip soothingly.

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