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In which a love morally forbidden by society becomes to potent to ignore.
"I love you, Eden."
"I love you, Huxley."
Previously titled 'White Ca...
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"So gorgeous, tell me." Ivana's voice came from the phone. "What's going on with you and that man of yours."
"Ivana," I said awkwardly, feigning embarrassment. I quickly changed the subject.
"I just wanted to know if you guys would like to come up this weekend. All of us could grab dinner tomorrow night. Mum and dad will come as well," I said, looking out the window. It was dark out.
"Girl, have you even asked them yet?" My aunt said.
"No," I scoffed, stretching the 'o'. "but I will and they'll come," I told her. I checked the time and saw it was 9:30 pm.
"Yeah, okay." Ivana laughed before asking. "And what's the reason for this sudden family gathering?"
I'm dating Huxley King, my best friends dad. You know, the one you told me to go after. Well, I did and now I'm pregnant with his baby, my best friend's sibling and I want to tell our family before I let it slip unintentionally and in the wrong way.
"Is it a crime for a girl to want to have a nice meal with her family?" I asked her, a little mirth on my tongue as from the contrast between my thoughts and my words.
"I suppose not, gorgeous." Ivana laughed. "Alright, well. I'll tell my boys to get packing."
"Really?" I asked ecstatically. "Awesome." I was really excited. It had been ages since our whole family had been together and it would be amazing. "I can't wait."
My aunt laughed at my childlike excitement. "I'll call you when we're about to leave. Won't be for a few hours though."
"I'll be waiting," I say, about to hang up when Ivana says something else.
"Hey, gorgeous?" She asks.
"Where do we go when we get there?" My aunt asked me.
I fought to hide the smile from my voice as I spoke next. "Just go to mum and dad's house. You can stay there for the night and then we'll go out for dinner tomorrow. I'll send them the address and you can follow behind them."
"Okay, then," Ivana said. "See you for dinner tomorrow, gorgeous."
"Bye Ivana," I spoke through the phone.
"Bye," She responded.
I hung up and sighed. Breathe, Eden, breathe. This isn't something to freak out over. This is something to be excited about.