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Dani's POV

  I strutted into the school like I owned it. I pushed open the glass doors, making everyone aware of my presence. My heels made me easily the most tallest girl and made me stand out. I flipped my hair and continued down the hallway. I was only a freshman and it was my first day since I just transferred here but I'm going mark my legacy.

  I dropped my pile of books into some students arms. "Locker 143 please," I said. He nodded, stunned and I followed behind him as he lead me to my locker. People stared as I passed by,  gossip girls, jocks and nerds all glanced at me as I passed. I passed a group of guys with their back turned to me, my heels clicked against the floor, making them notice me. I traced my finger on one of their backs and gave him a sly smile.

  He blushed and looked away, his friends nudged him in the ribs, making fun of him. I laughed on the inside. Fools. I don't fall for anyone, I'm here to build a strong reputation that no one can destroy. I've used my manipulative and mischievious personality to play people before. This was no biggie for me.

  The guy with my books, stopped at a locker. I used the key on my wrist to unlock it and he placed the books inside. I gave him a sweet smile as he left. It shocked him, but he waved back. The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my stuff for the first class.

  After a few classes it was finally break. I sneaked out of school and into my dorm, collapsing onto the bed. People noticed whenever I walked into the room, but I needed a better reaction from them. Them just whispering to each other was getting boring already. Maybe I've always  earn my reputation by being the player, but maybe it'll take more than that now. I heard the dorm door open and I turned around, to see a girl with brown eyes and glasses. What a nerd.

  She paid me no attention as she put down her stuff and just went out without acknowledging me. I frowned. She didn't even look at me. Was I really that unnoticeable? I'll make her notice me. I'll make everyone here now my name. Time for Plan B. I'm going to be the bully and the player. Watch out.

Lauren's POV

  My roommate wasn't someone I liked. I saw her in the morning in the hallways. It was already a month after school begun and she just showed up randomly. I rolled my eyes thinking about her. Who does she think she is, acting like the boss of everyone?

  My classmates all thought she was really attractive and was all they talked about during class. I sat at the back corner of the class, gazing out the window, I was naturally quite smart so I never had to focus much during lessons. The seats beside and in front of mine were empty as I purposely choose this seat to stay away from everyone else, I didn't want any drama.

  I was two years older than everyone in this class. I purposely failed twice so I could escape all the drama I was wrapped up in. From that experience onwards, I never wanted to be seen again. I knew everything I was supposed to know already. I was two years ahead of everyone in my year but no one needed to know that.

  The teachers all realised that I would never talk in their classes and they got tired of trying after 2 weeks. No one had tried talking to me ever again after I just walked away from their attempts of making me their friend. No one in my year has heard my voice ever. No more drama ever.

A/N:  I'mma also add that since this story takes place in America so I'm really sorry if I get something wrong about America, such as your school system. I'm not from America and from what I know, we don't use the same school system as America.

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