Bloody Turtle- Master Fu Angst/Salt

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*I'm trying Master Fu salt! It's gonna be a bit strange for me, but I hope you enjoy it!*

*Not for emotional people or people going through something.*

Summary: When Marinette commits suicide, Master Fu realizes his wrongdoings and remembers how he pushed her away.

It didn't feel painful like Marinette thought it would. It felt like freedom. She was finally free. She was free forever, and it was bright. There was a bright light overtaking everything in her vision. She smiled. Things were looking happier. Her heart felt light and her mind felt cloudy.

She saw a beautiful angel floating towards her. He wrapped her in his arms and flew her up to the sky. She sniffed. He smelled like cinnamon.

She let this angel hold her in his warm hands, and as she flew through the clouds to heaven, she felt safe.


Paris was grieving. They had lost their beloved hero Ladybug, and their friend Marinette.

It was all their fault.

And they knew it.

They had silenced their hero's cries for help and they had ignored her pain.

Master Fu stared out a window of his home. He had tried to coax Tikki to come, but she refused. She no longer trusted the man who had causes the death of someone she loved.

"Tikki. Come. We must find you a new ladybug." Master Fu said.

"No! I loved my Ladybug! She died because of you!" Tikki said angrily wiping tears away.

"It is not my fault Tikki. She was being bullied. What could I have done to stop it?" Master Fu said trying to get close to the red kwami.

"You could have done everything! Anything you did would have meant a lot! You are just as bad as that Adrien boy who told her to take the high road! She was going through something and you pushed her away!"

"I would never! I took good care of Marinette!" Master Fu said and lunged for the earrings.

Tikki flew up higher near the window. She said a few words before she flew out,
"Taking care of Ladybug and taking care of Marinette are two different things."

Master Fu sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He started to think about if Marinette ever came to him in trouble.

"Merry Christmas, Master Fu!" Marinette smiled and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" He asked curiously. She grabbed something from behind her and handed it to him.

"I got you a Christmas present! It's some of the cookies I had when we first met! Obviously new ones...I'm not gonna give you the actual ones from when we first met. I just cooked these ones now." Marinette babbled.

"Thank you Marinette. I'm a bit busy at the moment." He said.

Marinette looked slightly dejected.

"Oh, okay. I just wanted to talk to you about something. I need a little bit of advice..."

"As I said before Marinette, I am a bit busy at the moment. If it is not about your ladybug duties, leave."

Marinette sniffed. She picked up her purse, leaving the cookies, and walked away.

Tikki growled.

Master Fu gasped. He was a fool and now he knew it. He tried to think hard.

Ladybug nervously sat down for an interview.

"So Ladybug," Nadja Chamack began, "what do you like most about Paris?"

Ladybug thought for a minute. For anyone else it would have seemed like she wanted an answer that wouldn't give away her identity. But for Master Fu in that moment, he knew it was because she couldn't think of anything.

"I really like the architecture! It's very inspiring." Ladybug stated.

Nadja raised an eyebrow, "Okay? Next question, Would you ever date Chat Noir?"

Ladybug was able to answer this question in a heartbeat. "No."

Nadja's eyes widened, "Why not?"

Ladybug winced, "I don't really see him as anything more than a friend. He doesn't really respect my boundaries."

Nadja huffed. This interview was getting nowhere! "Would you ever reveal your secret identity to Chat Noir?"

"No. If he can't respect me as Ladybug, I doubt he will respect my civilian identity."

Nadja was getting annoyed, "Fine. How do you feel about Marinette Dupain-Cheng? The girl who got insulted on the ladyblog for lying about your best friend Lila Rossi?"

Ladybug felt panicky. What was she supposed to do? If she called out Lila, Master Fu and Adrien would be mad at her. If she didn't...people might be mean to her as Marinette.

"I absolutely hate it. I have never been friends with Lila Rossi, and I wonder how those lies managed to get posted on a well respected blog. Marinette is a sweet girl. I've met her. To believe a liar over a friend...I'm ashamed in Paris." Ladybug spat and yoyo-ed out of the studio.

Master Fu rubbed his forehead in exasperation. Why did Marinette do that? Now that poor Lila girl could get akumitized over some stupid lies!

Master Fu texted Marinette to come over right away.

"Is something wrong, Master Fu?" Marinette panted, out of breath. She had ran to the place as fast as she could.

"Why would you put your identity in risk? Was it worth it? You risk someone's akumitization because of some stupid lies on a mediocre blog?" Master Fu yelled at her.

Marinette's eyes filled with tears,
"It was worth it. And I would do it a thousand times again!" Marinette ran out angrily.

Master Fu felt a pang in his heart. Why hadn't he done things differently?

(No real ending!)

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