The Girl From The Blog - Lila Salt - Alya Sugar

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Summary: Just what could possibly go wrong by lying on a famous blog about being friends with a superhero? Everything.

I will be using the Akuma Avalanche again. Let's just pretend that Avalanche's brother died in an Avalanche, and he's getting Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous to get his brother back. Age 14

Requested by Santi28061914

Warning ⚠️: None

Marinette was pissed when she walked up to the school. It killed her very soul to see people sucking up to Lila.

How is it possible that they don't know she's lying?

Marinette noticed Alya wasn't one of the people hanging onto Lila's every word. Alya sat on the front steps of Francois DuPont using her phone.

Marinette ran up to her, completely forgetting her bad mood, "Hey Alya! How are you? What are you doing?"

Alya smiled up at Marinette, "Hello, Mari! Good. I'm just checking the number of views on Lila's interview."

Marinette soured after that, but still kept up the happy facade. Marinette was going to try one more time to get Alya to see reason,

"It makes no sense for Lila to be Ladybug's friend anyway. Lila is putting herself in a lot of danger when you have that video on your blog. Plus, when would Lila and Ladybug have become friends? Lila was in Italy, and Ladybug didn't go on vacation. Did you ask Ladybug if she was friends with Lila?"

Alya put her finger on her chin for a minute and thought. Marinette expected Alya to get angry, instead she got,

"That does make sense. I should remove the video if it will put Lila in danger. The next time I see Ladybug, I'll be sure to ask her! Thanks, Marinette!"

Marinette smiled and pulled Alya into a hug, lettting out a sigh of relief.

The two girls chatted and laughed as they walked into class, ignoring a questioning gaze from a blonde, and a seething look from a Italian girl.

Ms. Bustier started her lesson happily, and although Marinette was in the back of class, Alya and Marinette kept communication by texting each other.

Avalanche POV:

I grabbed some popcorn from the kitchen, laughing at a joke my abuela said.

I walked from the kitchen and sat down on the floor in the living room. All the seats were full as my whole familia was around our television to watch my brother climb a mountain.

A hand dug into my popcorn and I looked up to see my smirking sister. I swatted her hand away, and she hit me across the head.

"No fighting, children." My mother scolded.

My sister stuck her tongue out at me and handed me some candy. I grabbed some gratefully, and passed her some popcorn.

"Hush! I am trying to hear over your loud voices!" My abuela yelled at everyone.

I watched as my brother slowly scaled the mountain. He climbed up the snow and slipped. I held my breath.

My brother stepped on one of the other climbers head and pulled himself back up. He looked down at the person below him, he must be apologizing.

"I knew he would not fall! He always steps over everyone, that boy. Like a mountain goat, I say!"

My mom smiled while rubbing her forehead. We all laughed, abuela might be a handful, but it was worth it.

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