Her Daughter's Lies - Class/Lila Salt

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Summary: Things can't get any better for Lila. Everyone believes her, and Adrien has to fake date her, or the class will think he cheated. If things can't get better for Lila, they CAN get worse. Maybe a certain Sabine can cross paths with Ms. Rossi?


by Egyptiandragon

Lila sauntered into class with Adrien at her arm. She sat down and pulled him next to her. As she leaned in to give him a peck, he winced.

I'm doing this to keep my friends. He thought, I'm doing this for Marinette.

As Lila gave him a peck and turned on her phone to take a picture, she couldn't help but feel satisfied.

Things were looking good! Really good! For Lila... Adrien HAD to date her. She had already told the whole class they were dating, and she had photoshopped them together on a date. If he ever said they weren't dating, she would have "proof" they were and could accuse him of cheating. Those idiots, she thought.

She snapped the picture and sent a quick text to Alya.

To Alya 📝 🦊:

Send this picture to Marinette. She needs to know her place after she treated me so badly. 😭. Thanks Bestie!

From Lila 💕 😊

Lila just smiled, this was too easy. Her phone pinged and she grinned as she read the message.

From Alya 📝 🦊:

Did it! I bet that gold digger won't come to school today after this.

To Lila 💕 😊

Lila turned her phone off. She glanced at Adrien and noticed he was texting someone on his phone. She glared at the phone.

"Who are you texting, Adrien? Your mother?" She asked as nicely as she could through gritted teeth.

He felt a pang in his heart and answered stiffly, "No. I'm texting my bodyguard. He wants to make sure I'm alright." Adrien finished texting his girlfriend Marinette and put his phone away as the teacher started class.


The door banged open and a flustered, panting Marinette Dupain-Cheng rushed in. She blushed as all eyes landed on her, two of them being glares.

"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, late again?"

Marinette didn't want to be late but it was inevitable with her patrol that day. She started to apologize,

"I'm sorr-" she began and was interrupted.

"Detention." Ms. Bustier stated and returned to her board.

Marinette sighed. She knew Ms. Bustier was no better than the class, but she still cared about her.

Lila smiled. Even Ms. Bustier isn't on your side, Dupain-Cheng. Wait. Why is she here? Didn't she see the picture?! Ugh. I knew I shouldn't have relied on that wannabe journalist.

The same thought process was going in Alya's head, why was Marinette here? She faced Ms. Bustier and paid attention to the class.

At Lunch:

Marinette grabbed her packed lunch and headed to the park. She didn't like to eat with her classmates after the napkin incident.

Marinette was petty though. She made sure to inform the principal on the dangers of napkins. Lila couldn't deny what happened to the man who lost his eye, or the the whole class would know she was lying.

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