Scottish Private School- Part 2

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Summary: Part 2 of Scottish Private School. Some more BROTP. And, some of the class doesn't agree with Lila/Alya's ideals.

Warning ⚠️: Sexual Assault and Bad Words

"Come on! Let's go!" Rose cheered. Everyone was about to run.

"Statistically, we have a 5% chance of tailing them if we don't put away our luggage." Max stated.

"Oops." Rose blushed. (If you weren't so bad in this oneshot, I'd think that was adorable)

The class quickly put their things in their below average room and ran outside.

"I don't see Marinette! Where could she have gone?" Alix yelled while looking around.

Juleka cleared her throat and blushed when the class turned to her. She pointed across the street to Marinette, Draco, two red heads, a brunette girl, and a raven haired boy.

Hmm...that green eyed boy is soft on the eyes

"Let's follow them!" Alya shrieked and began to run before Nino grabbed the back of her shirt.

"Alya. You're gonna have to be a little more subtle than that." Nino said.

The class looked at him curiously as he began to grab a newspaper to cover his face.

He took his hat off and pretended to be a passerby.

Lila rolled her eyes. Oh brother

At HoneyDukes:
After they meet up with the HP gang:

Marinette was going on a candy overload. She was skipping, jumping, and eating Bertie Bott's every flavor jelly beans and not even wincing!

Draco sighed when she ate her 30th Chocolate Frog,

"Butterfly, I think you need to stop. You'll get sick if you continue." Draco tried to persuade her.

"Nah huh, Dragon! I feel fine! Oooooooh! Fizzing Whizzbees! Lalalalala." Marinette smiled and skipped to the candy.

Marinette had wanted to treat Draco to some candy, but he had the sweet tooth of a dietician. She was a bit exhausted from apparating and decided to eat some candy.

Draco was now carrying 50 different candies in his arms as Marinette shopped some more.

They were right about her shopping problem. Wait. Why am I carrying all this when I have a wand?

Draco scoffed at his lack of intelligence in that moment, and used the levitating spell.

~Time skip to when they finish shopping~

Marinette and Draco aparated back to their friends. The ~couples~ all wanted some alone time, and Vianne had spotted a friend before then.

Marinette slowly peered around the corner of an alley to make sure no one had seen them apparate.

Draco rolled his eyes, Suddenly she can be normal huh?

"OH MY GOODNESS! YOU HAVE MAGIC!" A high pitched voice squealed.

Marinette and Draco wheeled around and faced...

A laughing Ron and the gang.

Draco strolled up to Ron and smacked him across the head. Ron looked up,

"Oi! What was that for?" Ron asked, massaging his head.

Draco grit his teeth, "For your stupidity, Weasley."

Ron didn't look bashed as he continued laughing. Hermione clutched Ron's arm and wiped some tears of joy from her eyes.

Harry was chuckling, and Ginny laughed loudly as she held Harry's hand.

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