Scottish Private School - Class Salt - HP - Part 1

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Some Class salt with a lot of Harry Potter!
(After they defeated Voldemort)

Summary: Marinette has switched to a Scottish Private School because of Lila's lies. The class visits London, and have a interesting day spying on Marinette.


Draco + Harry + Ron = Funny BROTP goals

Slytherins: Vianne & Draco

Hufflepuffs: Marinette

Gryffindors: Harry, Ginny, Ron, Mione

Ravenclaws: None (Sorry my Claws)

Present time:

"Dragon, just what do you think you're doing?" Marinette asked Draco with her hands on her hips.

Draco paled and stopped mid fight with Harry,
"I did not do anything. He started the misorderly conduct."

Harry snorted. "All I said was that you were taking too long shopping, Mari."

Marinette eyed Draco again and hugged him,
"Thank you, Dragon. I do not take too long shopping!" She stuck her tongue out at Harry.

Harry sighed, and Hermione laughed, "You kind of do, Mar. Don't look at me like that, Draco! You secretly know I'm right."

Ginny giggles as Harry stuck his tongue out at Marinette, "A girl has rights to how long she shops" Ginny replied.

Harry gave her a playful betrayed look, and looked at Ron for support,
"What mate? My sisters right. Let the girls shop till tomorrow for all I care."

Hermione swatted his arms and he leaned down to give her a kiss. Harry and Draco continued arguing outside of hogshead.

Vianne sighed, "Just let the girls shop." She dragged Ginny, Marinette, and Hermione back into the shop and left the boys outside.

Harry glared at Draco, "This is all YOUR fault."

Draco glared back, "Excuse me?"

As the two continued their banter, Ron rubbed his forehead, "Bloody hell."

Learning she's a witch:

Marinette was sobbing on her bed. All her friends betrayed her, and no one stood up for her today when Lila pushed her.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" Sabine questioned softly as she cracked open the door.

Marinette just cried louder in response.

Sabine slowly walked into the room and closed the door behind her,
"What can I do to make you feel better, honey?"

Marinette sat up straight in her bed and looked her mom in the eye, "I wanna switch schools. Somewhere far from here."

"Of course sweetie, but there is something I need to tell you.."

Marinette watches as her mom pulls out a stick? Her mom waves the stick around and suddenly Marinette's wardrobe was on fire. (Only true potter heads will get it)

"W-was that just m-magic?" Marinette squeaked.

"Yes. I'm a witch. Your father knows, and you are a witch too." Sabine answered solemnly.

Marinette was shocked, "Really? Why don't I have magic?"

Sabine smiled, "Yes. You were quite a troublemaker when you were younger. Constantly having accidentally magic."

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