Sedulous - Bustier Salt - Nino Sugar

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Focused Ms. Bustier salt

Summary: Ms. Bustier calls out Marinette in class about how she is slacking on her class representative duties in front of everyone. The class agrees, except for a certain Nino Lahiffe.

Sedulous: Someone who is dedicated and shows diligence.

Will result in DjWifi breakup. Sorry to all the shippers.


Warning ⚠️: Verbal and Physical Abuse from a teacher and Bad Words

Marinette couldn't believe her ears. As she stood up in her seat in front of the class, Ms. Bustier's words played over in her mind.

"Marinette, you were supposed to help Lila with her homework. As class representative it's your job to keep all the students on track, and to help others with their personal and school related problems. This is what you signed up for as class representative and you don't seem to be doing it."

Marinette wanted to say something when all those glares burned into her soul. She wanted to defend herself as the teacher and students comforting a crying Lila practically dared her with their eyes to say something against Ms. Bustier.

Marinette looked around for someone to meet her eyes and help her. When she found none, her vision started to get blurry. She started to sniff, and her eyes got watery.

She couldn't cry! She couldn't let them win!

The glares burned holes into her back and she started to shrink into herself. Her tears almost started falling when the glares stopped.

She looked around in confusion and saw the shocked faced of her classmates. A large warm hand was on her shoulder and it squeezed in comfort.

"It's okay, dudette. I'm here for you." Nino's kind voice said from behind her.

She turned around in surprise and wiped some tears away, "Nino?"

He smiled at her in response. He gently helped her back onto her chair, and he walked up to Ms. Bustier's desk. His sweet smile turned cold as he looked to Ms. Bustier.

Nino was angry to say the least. This teacher had the guts to come after Marinette when she was clearly pushing all her duties onto Marinette? He practically made Marinette do everything apart from teaching lessons.

Some might think that Nino was oblivious or too chill to take notice. Heck! Some people might even think that he was dumb.

He wasn't. Nino had the most critical eye since birth. He took notice of things others don't, and he noticed quite a few things about Lila. He noticed how his girlfriend was acting to her so called "best friend". He scoffed at his classmates stupidity for a second, who could get hurt by a NAPKIN when you wear GLASSES?

He had noticed things about their class, he knew everyone's fears just by watching reactions to certain things.

He knew how his class had been treating Marinette, and it was really starting to piss him off. He was almost sent over the edge when he saw how Principal Damocles acted.

He also knew that Marinette was ladybug, that Adrien was Chat Noir, and that Alya was Rouge before they even told him.

It was fairly easy to figure it out for him. But he didn't want to break their trust by telling them he knew their identities. Even if he wasn't snooping and was just naturally gifted.

Nino glared Ms. Bustier in the eye, he was going to talk, and for once everyone would listen.

"You want MARINETTE to help LILA with her homework?" He asked in disbelief.

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