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three | ❝You feel what you feel and you're aware of it, but you don't necessarily express it.❞

               "BIGGEST PET peeve? Easy

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               "BIGGEST PET peeve? Easy. Giving one percent to the environment." Kiara answered Pope's question.

Wes sat in the boat with Kiara and Pope as they waited for John B and JJ to return from the motel room. 

"What's wrong with that?" Pope followed up.

"We only have one Earth, Pope, we should be giving it a hundred percent, bare minimum," the girl informed.

"Right. That's not fiscally sound."

"Neither is destroying the only planet that we have to live on."

As his friends continued their conversation, Wes saw a blue and white truck pull up.

"Shit," he cursed as he ducked, "guys, cops."

"Call them," Pope told Kiara, referring to John B and JJ.

"I can't. Towers are down."

Wes stayed low as he quietly exit the boat and went to stand behind the collapsed sign, getting a closer look.

"If I lose my merit scholarship, I'm gonna kill someone," Pope hissed as him and Kiara followed close behind Wes, "maybe they're not going up there. Maybe they're just— maybe they're just looking for a room."

"They are going up," Wes whispered.

"Look, he's pointing," Kiara agreed.

"Fuck," Wes looked up at the room and the back to see both cops climbing up the stairs.

The three teens made a run for it and went to stand outside the motel rooms window.

"Do something, do something," Kiara ushered to Pope.

Pope grabbed a rock and Wes already knew where this was going, so he also picked up a few rocks.

Pope threw the rock and missed. Wes loved Pope to death, but he was definitely the brains, not the muscle. 

"Didn't you ever play baseball?" Kiara exclaimed.

"I was on the math team!"

"Get back," Wes told them both and began throwing rocks at the window. Luckily, he managed to hit it a handful of times, but it seemed as though John B and JJ were unaware, "come on, come to the window, idiots."

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