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twelve | ❝Shut up.❞

                "SO, IT seems my entire speech went in one of John B's ears and right out the other, huh?" Wes chuckled as he leaned back on the HMS Pogue and watched Pope steer

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                "SO, IT seems my entire speech went in one of John B's ears and right out the other, huh?" Wes chuckled as he leaned back on the HMS Pogue and watched Pope steer.

John B was insistent on getting Kiara and Sarah to both be part of the group and work together. He knew, however, there was no chance of them ever speaking to one another unless they had no other choice.

So that's exactly what he came up with. His plan was to leave both girls stranded together on a boat so they could talk things through and hopefully work it all out.

Wes had no idea if it would work or not, but it was the only plan they had and they were wasting time they could be using to get the gold, so he helped. Him and Pope were on their way to go pick Kiara up and then go meet up with the others.

"He really thinks this plan could work," Pope responded.

"Do you?" Wes asked, adjusting his sunglasses. "Or do you think they'll end up drowning each other?"

Pope scoffed. "That's what JJ said they'd do."

Wes silenced at the mention of the Maybank boy, his eyes turning to the the sky. The sun was setting, it wouldn't be too long now before it turned dark.

"Yeah?" Was all Wes could come up with.

Pope turned to look at him, eyebrows scrunched. "What's going on with you two?"

Wes tried to play it off, acting nonchalant. "What do you mean? Nothing's going on with us. Everything's normal."

Pope rolled his eyes, not believing him. "Right. That's why you two are barely even speaking to each other, right? And that's why it's awkward as hell when you do? 'Cause that's normal for you two. He's not even staying at your house anymore, dude."

Wes turned his gaze to his lap, picking threads off his shorts. He had been worried about where JJ was staying. Since the night of John B's incident he hadn't stayed at Wes', and it made him feel like shit that he took a safe space away from JJ.

"Do- do you know where he's been staying?" Wes asked quietly, avoiding looking at Pope entirely.

Pope sighed a bit and shook his head. It was obvious something had happened between him and JJ. From one day to another the two had gone from being absolutely inseparable to hardly even getting a word out to each other.

"At John B's. Since he's living with Sarah now, JJ's got the house to himself."

Wes nodded, feeling a lot more relieved that he was at least safe and not staying with his father.

"Thanks, Pope."

They remained silent until they approached Kiara's dock, the girl already walking towards them.

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