Prologue 20 ~Finale Prologue~

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~Twisted Wonderland~

Night Raven College - Exterior Hallway 2F

Once the four students, including the newly added ones, were finally far away from the Headmaster's Office, Deuce lets out a long relieved sigh.

"Expulsion rescinded..." Deuce muttered under his breath as his shoulders slumped weakly, "I'm all out of energy..."

"Good grief, right?" Ace shook his head and despite the casual and lighthearted air he was putting up, he was also glad that their expulsion was revoked.

"La la laa~" Grim cheerfully skipped down the hallway, giving off a completely different air from the other two young men. 

"Starting from tomorrow, Yours Truly here is officially a student of Night Raven College, you know!?" Grim exclaimed in an excited manner before he turned around to face the other three, "I'm going to beat all of you and be the best, top student!"

The small creature grinned and Himemiya couldn't help but stifled a giggle while Ace scoffed lightly.

"You talk big for someone who shares the same one student body with Himemiya here," he commented before shrugging his shoulders, "But oh well. Good for you then, huh?"

"Starting from tomorrow, we're also going to be classmates from then on, Himemiya, Grim," Deuce spoke afterward as he looked at both the young woman and the small creature.

While Grim was elated from the news, Himemiya was left on her own thoughts as she rewound the word the young man had said in her head.

"Classmates, huh?" she mumbled and smiled a little.

"To be honest, I never thought I could enroll as a student here in this academy. Nor did I even expect to be accepted in the first place," she said which caught the others' attention to her. Thinking that she might be feeling down or overwhelmed, Deuce thought of comforting her but the young woman cut him off before he could even start.

"But even so, I'm finally here...!" she walked slightly ahead of the duo before she turned around and gave them a smile.

"I know we didn't get off with a good start and if you don't mind, I'd like to start over! So, once again..." she bowed down before she got up and looked at them with the biggest smile.

"I'll be in your care, Ace, Deuce!" 

It was safe to say, that the smile she had on her face was the first genuine smile the two young men had ever seen from the young woman ever since they stuck together from the very beginning when they went to the Dwarfs' Mine. And it somehow made them blushed from both surprised and in awe.

Their silence threw the young woman in confusion as she stared at them quizzically, "Ace? Deuce? Is something wrong?"

"Y-You know, saying things like 'once again' and all that is..." Ace spoke up but stuttered along the way before he cast his gaze elsewhere, "It's embarrassing so let's stop there, okay?"

"T-That's right," Deuce agreed before clearing his throat and faced the young woman normally.

"Even if we don't like it, we're still going to see each other's faces every day. Especially with this guy right here, who happens to be in the same Heartslabyul Dorm as me," the dark, blue-haired young man shook his head in a disappointed manner as he pointed over at the other young man.

"Pff. Yeah, I have to say that even I don't like the thought of seeing your serious mug every day. Just to put it out there," Ace retorted in a playful manner which annoyed Deuce as he glared at him.

"That's my line, Skipping-Chores-Ace."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Mr. crybaby-who-almost-got-expelled Deuce-kun~" Ace teasingly poked fun at the young man before looking over at the young woman with a smile.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then, Himemiya," he waved his hand at her before walking away.

"See you tomorrow then, Himemiya," Deuce gave her a smile as well before he followed Ace as they both head towards the Hall of Mirrors to go back to their dorms.

"Ah, those names..." Himemiya suddenly realized at the nicknames those two gave to each other before Grim interrupted.

"Those two somehow make quite a good combo, you know? It's like that type where they fight because they're so close kind of thing," the small creature commented and Himemiya couldn't help but giggled slightly as she watched the mentioned duo started bickering with each other from afar.

"I guess you're right."

"Alright, we should also head back to our dorm!" Grim spoke up and suddenly climbed on Himemiya and sat on her shoulder, "Starting from tomorrow, we're no longer handymen! Finally... Finally...!"

Himemiya just gave the small creature a smile as she saw the excitement twinkling in his eyes.

Grim looked at  her with a grin and cheered, "From here on out, our bright and shining academy life as students of Night Raven College is finally starting!"

~Twisted Wonderland~

Hi guys, congratulations! You've finally reached the end of the prologue! Whoo~!

Now that the beginning of the story just ended, a new chapter has finally opened its' pages to our female protagonist as she delved deeper into the unknown future that awaits her.

You do know what's gonna happen next right? Then grab your seat and buckle up because we're going to dive into the Heartslabyul chapter! Yay~!

Let's look forward to her next journey!

See you until the next time!

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