Prologue 06 ~Special Case Trial!~

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~Twisted Wonderland~

Grim's blue flames spread widely towards the ghosts, hitting every single one of them as they shrieked in pain.

"We're gonna get erased! Run!!"

The ghosts scampered away in fear, leaving Himemiya and Grim both in the hallway by themselves.

"I...won?" Grim asked, unable to believe that the ghosts have stopped appearing before a smile crept up to his face.

"Hah! Take that, you ghosts! That'll teach you not to mess with me!" Grim proudly says.

"That was amazing, Grim!" Himemiya walked closer to the little creature, "You must be really tired right now." 

"H-Hmph! Using my powers for this kind of situation is nothing! I'm the great Grim, after all!" Grim looked away with a small blush on his face.

"I know, I know," Himemiya patted the little creature's head, "You've done well, Grim. Thank you so much."

Surprised by the sudden nice act, Grim froze for mere seconds before he snapped and slapped the young woman's hand off of his head.

"H-Hey! Don' treat me like I'm some kind of pet!" he retorted as he glared at Himemiya, "Even if you said nice things about me, it doesn't mean I'm gonna start liking you or anything, got it!?"

"Alright, alright. I understand," Himemiya played along and stopped her attempt to pat his head again.

Not long after that, a familiar voice spoke up from the lounge room.

"Ah, Himemiya! There you are. I was searching for you," Crowley appeared with a small package in his hand.

"Oh, Principal Crowley! Good evening," she bowed slightly at the man.

"Good evening to you too. The kind me brought you your dinner. I simply can't imagine how hungry you must be after all the things that you've gone through- Hold on..." Crowley immediately stopped talking when his eyes locked with a very familiar creature standing near Himemiya's feet.

"You! You're the violent raccoon that disrupted the opening ceremony!" Crowley exclaimed in anger.

"Who are you calling me a violent raccoon!?" Grim retorted in anger. 

"C-Calm down, you two!" the young woman stood in-between them, trying to ease the raised tension among them.

"I thought we drove him out already! So why is he still here!?" Crowley looked at Himemiya, expecting her to explain but Grim spoke up first.

"Hmph! Instead of being mad at me, you should be grateful that I help get rid of the ghosts here!" the small creature crossed his arms and looked away arrogantly.

And that left the man in front of them confused.

"Hm? What do you mean by that?" he asked, eyes locking straight to the young woman for elaboration.


After explaining everything from the very beginning - how she was cleaning the lounge area, meeting Grim afterward, trying to find some buckets, and ended up getting disturbed by the ghosts that Grim mentioned, Crowley pondered in silence.

"Now that you mentioned it," Crowley finally spoke up, "There was a talk that there were mischievous ghosts pulling pranks on students living here before they started to avoid coming to this place. Thus, why the dorm was abandoned in the first place. However..."

The Inheritor [Twisted Wonderland FF ft. OC]Where stories live. Discover now