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Fred's apartment looked like a physical representation of a mid-life crisis. As I stepped further in, I almost expected to find a sports car in the place of a couch. Fred was lounging in an armchair, watching porn of all things. 

Barely glancing up at me, he grunted, "Go get us a drink before we get started. Beer's in the fridge."

Only someone as stupid as him would say something like that. I gave him a small smile before going into the kitchen. Pulling out an expensive import beer, I emptied a small vial Alastor had given me into it. It mixed into the beer without leaving a trace. I had to give it to Alastor, he knew how to execute a proper conspiracy. 

I took the beer to Fred, watching his dull expression while he continued to watch the porn playing on his TV. With a grunt, he took it and motioned me for me to take a seat on a couch that looked like it had been featured in low budget porn flicks one time too many.

"Watch this," He said, nodding towards the TV, "And take notes."

I barely glanced at the porno. He wanted me to see how a girl was being used like a sex doll. Apparently that was the goal he wanted me to aspire to. Fucking pig. 

I kept my eyes on Fred as he drank his beer. He drank it in great swings, belching every now and then. After a few minutes had passed and nothing had seemed to happen, I began to get nervous. My eyes kept flicking from Fred to the door and back again, trying to think of a way out just in case Alastor's vial didn't work. 

Then with a sudden snore, Fred's head dropped down to his chest. I stared at the sleeping brute, his mouth hanging open, drool threatening to dribble onto his gut. By god, it had fucking worked.

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now