Anything for You

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Sure enough, Alastor showed back up an hour later with some delicious smelling take out boxes and a copy of  Fifty First Dates. 

"Adam Sandler?" I raised an eyebrow, a little surprised at his choice of movie. 

Alastor shrugged as he set the food on the coffee table, "Figured something light would be fitting for tonight."

I smiled at this thoughtfulness, picking up a container with chicken lo mein. It smelled absolutely heavenly as I opened the lid. Alastor put the DVD in and sat down next to me on the couch. Leaning against his shoulder, I began to tuck into my food. 

"I made some inquiries while I was out, and I think I found some live-in help with the house." He said as he picked up his General Tso's Chicken. I gave him a curious look. What did he mean by live-in help?

"You've been working late every night since we opened the house," Alastor explained, "What you're doing is a good thing, but you can't do it on your own. I found some leads for some live-in help so you don't have to work yourself to death."

He grinned at his own morbid joke. My knee jerk reaction was to say that I had everything handled, but after thinking about it for a moment, I knew he was right. I couldn't keep going at the rate I was at. 

"So you think this was the right thing to do?" I asked, looking up at him, "The house and everything?"

Alastor gave me a soft kiss before he replied, "Of course it was the right thing to do. Revenge is a goal within itself, but finding a true purpose beyond that revenge is something only a few people can do."

I nodded, pondering his words. In life, I had been so consumed by revenge that it brought about my early death. It was a little ironic that I had found my true purpose in helping people in Hell. But that was life, or the afterlife, I guess. 

"You know," I said after a moment of silence, "I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you."

Alastor gave me another kiss, this one more tender than the last, "My dear, I'd do anything for you."

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now