Something New

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July 1. 2020.

As life goes by the mind changes dramatically. The heart longs for something new, a lust for adventure, a lust for the body. The soul reminds itself what is good, while the heart wants and longs and runs and chases the morals and moral traditions away. Underneath a sunny sky Soul tries to catch the flying papers that flew out of her briefcase, and Heart laughs a bell-like laugh, running after the papers like they are bubbles. However, Heart's intention is to make the parchment pop away, the cleanliness of the bubbles ripping itself asunder once tainted by the dirtiness which is grime and uncontrollable want. Mind watches, absent, unwilling to accept what is falling apart, and the sunny sky soon turns to a blazing sun, enveloping the cooling blue it once was. Mind collapses, gasping for air, grasping for water. He is parched. Heart dances; he feels free and untethered. He begins to fly, and Soul withers away, staring at her dusty hands in horror.

The documents have long since popped, and Heart floats blissfully among the fire. Mind shrivels, thirsty. He needs water. He needs milk. He needs something, anything, to strengthen himself, to fight against the famine and to remind Heart of his principles. As a cow walks by and Mind begins to drink, he stares agape in terror, the sweet milk dribbling out of his chin. Heart smiles that blithe smile of his and leaps higher than ever before, the milk feeding him instead. Soul pleads with Heart, begging for help. Her arms crumble away like sand slipping through a fist, and it pains her so! Heart cannot hear, he flies ever higher to reach the flaming sun, the sun so hot everything Heart knows turns to ash.

This is how it must be for some years. There is no conscience nor philosophy to control Heart's burning desires. Burning like a sun, forever it is day there until the day the sun sets and navy blue fills the heavens. Heart stares, devastated as he falls to the ground, so agonisingly slow. As he is set down, he begins to cry, heart-wrenching sobs coating the air in a sorrowful blanket. It is all anyone can hear; from miles away all anyone can hear are screams and wails, if there was anyone at all. Heart cries for his friends, Mind and Soul, who he killed carelessly in a selfish desire to fulfill his own wishes. Chains erupt from the ground and leap over Heart, binding him to the ground. This time, the reply is silence.

A moon hangs over Heart's despairing body and casts a gentle glow. Tears drip from his eyes as he stares at the glowing stone, so beautiful, not at all like the blinding sun. The sun, who had blinded him so long from the true beauty. Oh, if only he had listened to his companions!

As the moon pulses with dazzling, yet soft light, Mind and Soul's corpses arise and are rejuvenated. Soul is unhinged, weary from the recovery, and still uncertain of her new body made from the dust. Mind is shaken, there are cracks in his skin, now, and how they pain him! They both look on at Heart, such a depressing sight. They cannot release him, they are far too weak for that. Healing takes time, after all, and the moon is so cool, so assuring above them.

Mind and Soul sit beside Heart in silence. The latter enjoys it, for they now exist in solidarity, all so weak and yet the comforting silence so strong. This is better than before, something new.

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