Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I know that yesterday was something perfect, something so elevating and bright (if that's the proper word). I know that that day has had an impact on my well being, but it's still not that easy.

I woke up this morning in Matty's basement, feeling like shit. Everything's okay with Matty, I'm pretty sure I have a boyfriend, but there's one thing that still needs to be taken care of. I'm dreading that.

As much as I want to get better quickly, in the blink of an eye, I can't. Train wrecks can't be cleaned up in just one day. They take a while, to clean and to fix, remodel, polish, all that jazz. There's more to it than meets the eye.

So with that being said, I just can't expect that reestablishing two relationships is going to be all I need. I need to do more on my own as well. It's all on me. The support is great, and now that I've cleared the air between two people, things are starting to settle themselves. I think I'll be okay.

I hope.

I decide to take a shower, knowing that Matty is still fast asleep and by now, the water will be hot. I don't need to wait for it to get warm.

I run the water, letting it get hot. Not hot enough to burn, but hot enough to make the whole bathroom steam. Once it gets to that point, I climb in. Showers always seem to be the best places to think. Everyone thinks in the shower, and every time, they come up with something for their something. Or whatever they need to think about.

I need to think about... Talking to someone. I don't know if I'm ready to. So far, I've done okay, but I think he'll be harder to convince. Even though there's really no convincing that needs to be involved.
But I did the worst to him. And if I can't do anything to make him forgive me, even though he says he's willing to talk, then maybe that's just how it's going to be.

I stand under the water, feeling it start to get cold. I don't want to waste all the hot water, it usually runs out fast anyways, so I turn off the shower and hop out.

I comb my fingers through my hair and pull on some fresh clothes, but not until I dried myself. Then, I creep back out, making sure not to wake up Matty.

When I get out though, instead of Matty being asleep, he's sitting on the couch, beside a brown haired guy in a SnapBack.

"Vic, what are you doing here?" I'm a little confused. Vic doesn't know Matty like I do, so there's no reason for him to be sitting with Matty on the couch. But apparently there is, because they both turn to me, and they both have very determined expressions.

"I called him when you were in the shower." Matty tells me.

"Then how did he get here so fast?" I didn't even take that long!

Matty glances at Vic, then shrugs, "Okay, I might have called him beforehand."

I go over and sit across from the two of them, confusion still taking a seat in my bones. "So then... Why is he here exactly?"

Vic rolls his eyes, though I know he was hoping I wouldn't notice, and says, "We're going to be talking about a game plan. We assumed that you would have difficulties confronting Alex so..."

"We're going to help out a little." Matty finishes. I glance between the two of them, who both look so ready to talk plans and strategies and all that jazz.

I sigh and get up, "No."

They both look like they can't believe I said no. I say no to a lot of things. I don't want to talk plans and make this into a bigger deal than this is. I already thought about it, and I know how I'm going to go about talking to him.

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