Kie never left my side, no matter how many times they asked her too, I begged the doctor to let her stay. "I don't want to be alone." I cried, although no tears came out, I don't think I could cry for months after this. Kie sat near the top of the bed as they did an exam, I already knew, but they have to, it's a formality. Two sheriff's deputies came to talk to me when they found out there was a positive rape kit at the hospital. I told them a dozen times, I didn't know who did it, they said to come to them if anything ever comes back to me. I nodded, knowing deep down I would never tell them what happened."Miss Landry, you can be released today if you feel okay." The doctor told me, a few hours after they had given me a plan b pill as an extra measure. I nodded, "I want to leave as soon as possible." I told her, Kie squeezed my hand reassuring me, we had been here all day, they don't normally release people this late, but I pleaded, wanting to go and take a shower and just sleep. Kie offered to let me stay at her place, I accepted gratefully.
About an hour later, the paperwork was finished, and I stood with Kie's help, she had her mom drop off some clothes for me, mine being dirty. Luckily we were pretty much the same size, she helped me pull the loose shorts on, a baggy t shirt covering my top half. "Ready?" Kie asked, holding my hand tightly, "John B is outside with the car, the other guys don't know, okay. He won't tell them, I promise." She assured me as we started walking slowly to the exit, I looked around the waiting room, not to many people being there this late. I saw a familiar face looking back at me, "Kie, we can go faster, like now." I rambled, seeing him stand up, his arm in a make shift splint, god only knows how he broke his arm. She looked up and saw Rafe and nodded, helping me hobble faster.
"Charli, are you okay?" Rafe came up to us, shit. I simply nodded, not being able to force the lie out of my mouth. "Do you need some help?" He offered, Kie shook her head, "we're fine." She told him, "but thanks." She added shocking me, she gave me a small shrug as we approached the sliding glass doors. John B standing there with the van, patiently waiting for us. He helped me climb in the back, hesitantly touching me, I assured him it was okay, I trusted him.
I laid in the bed, Kie asleep next to me, I stared at the ceiling, being beyond tired but unable to close my eyes without picturing what he did to me. Before I knew it, I was asleep, thankfully not having any nightmares about what happened.
The sun shining in through the curtains, waking me up as Kie was already ready for the day, waiting for me to wake up. "Hey, how you doing?" She asked sweetly, trying not to baby me but unsure of the adverse reactions this would have on me. I felt better, not as sore. I felt like I needed to talk about it, "I'm never going to get back what he took from me." I whispered, my eyes puffy but dry, unable to cry anymore. "I know, girl, I know." She sighed, coming and sitting on the bed next to me, her mom didn't know what happened, really, Kie only told her that there was an accident at my house and I needed somewhere to stay for a while.
"Will I ever be able to open up about this to a guy?" I asked, panicking for a moment, she rubbed my back, "don't worry about that right now, when you meet the right guy, you'll be able to be open with him." She assured me, although her eyes looked hesitant, how else is she supposed to answer that, she can't just say I don't know.
It had been a few weeks since the incident, I felt comfortable around the rest of the guys again, they never found out, John B just acts like it never happened, I asked him too. I haven't seen Rafe since that day in the emergency room, I found that a bit odd, but brushed it off, I've only been back to work for a few days. I hadn't drank since then, the sensation reminding me too much of that tonight, but tonight there was another party at the boneyard. I wanted to go, but was hesitant, someone is bound to notice I wasn't drinking. But I went anyways.
"This is Rafe's first party since rehab, can you believe it?" I over heard some people gossiping, my eyes went wide, what? "Sorry, what'd you just say?" I asked the girls who were talking about it, "you didn't hear?" She gasped, "Rafe Cameron went to rehab for drugs, I can't believe it!" She exclaimed, before being pulled back into conversation with her friends. I walked away, completely shocked, that's why I haven't seen him around. I walked up to Kie, she was my absolute best friend without a doubt, Sarah stood next to her laughing about something, I debated about saying anything, obviously Sarah knew about her brother being gone, why hadn't they told me. "Sarah," I paused getting her attention, she turned to me, that caring look on her face, deep down I think she knew about what happened to me, which is fine. I trust Sarah almost as much as Kie. "Why didn't you tell me Rafe went to rehab?" I asked quietly, she hesitated glancing at Kie who nodded. "You had so much going on, and I didn't know if that would make you feel better or worse, I don't really know, I'm sorry." Sarah placed a hand on my shoulder, I smiled lightly, "it's okay, I hope he's doing better." I answered, she nodded instantly, "I haven't seen this side of my brother in years, when he's like this I could see how a girl would actually find him decent." She laughed, making Kie and I let out some giggles, I smiled. A warm feeling in my heart, I hope it's true, for his sake.
Almost an hour had gone by, the party really being lively now. More people had shown up, I kept my distance for the most part, not wanting to feel closed in. "Hey, look who's arrived!" I heard some guy shout, I turned from my spot on the sand, looking as people started cheering, I spotted Rafe's face in the crowd. I couldn't help but smile, especially since he couldn't spot me all the way out here. I'll admire from a distance I thought to myself, keeping my eyes on him for a good twenty minutes, never seeing a drink in his hand which surprised me greatly. I saw Sarah talking to her brother briefly, scanning the crowd for someone, she spotted me and gave me a knowing look, "sorry." She mouthed, pointing in my direction, Rafe's eyes following. I shrugged, giving him a smile, he seemed, different. A good different.
I kept my eyes on him, watching as he approached me, his eyes soft. I became a little hesitant when he sat next to me, "do you mind?" He asked, seeing the look on my face, I hesitated. "Sorry." I slid over, giving us more space, not wanting to be rude, "I swear it's not you, I just, I've been feeling claustrophobic lately." I lied, partially. "It's okay, whatever you need." Rafe answered softly, making sure to keep his arms to himself, he hugged his knees to his chest, watching the dark water crash to shore with me. "How are you?" We asked at the same time, I laughed under my breath, sitting in the same position, resting my head on my knees to look at him. "You first." I muttered, making him crack a smile, "I'm," he paused sighing, "I'm really good, it's hard, but I feel good." He shrugged, giving me a smile. "Your turn."
I stared at him for a minute, trying to come up with a lie, "I'm good, just the same old same old." I shrugged, giving a generic answer that you couldn't really poke holes in. "Oh good, I was kind of worried when I saw you at the hospital, you looked like you were in a lot pain." He whispered, giving me the softest look I think I've ever seen, like he was checking to see if I really was ok. My heart rate picked up, but I didn't say anything, I couldn't. "And, Charli." He got my attention, I hummed in response, "there's definitely not another girl." He stood up, leaving me to my thoughts.

BREAKING | rafe cameron
FanfictionCharli is just your average run of the mill pogue, until the prince kook catches her eye "I'm breaking and I need you" AU STORY: this is a story about their lives together