It's been two weeks since he went into rehab, we aren't even allowed to video chat, just talk on the phone. Even that I had to wait over a week for, it killed me when I was talking to him, and it was on speaker, Josie heard his voice and perked up. My mama heart can't take it, "hey." Rafe sighed into the speaker of the phone. "Hi, how are you?" I asked him instantly, "I'm good, I'm just ready to see you guys again, not seeing you is harder than not using." He answered truthfully, pull it together Charli, I held the phone away from me as I took a shaky breath. "I know, you'll be home soon, for good." I assured him, holding back my emotions, the last thing he needs is to hear my lose it. "Josie is going to look so different to you." I whispered, looking over at the sleeping girl. "Can I talk to her?" He asked, "she's sleeping, I'm sorry." He sighed, "that's alright. How's Sarah?" He didn't want to end the call so he kept thinking of things to talk about, eventually Josie woke up and I had to go.
"How is he?" Sarah asked once I walked out of the room with Josie, "he's good, ready to come home." I sighed, handing her the baby, "I'm sure, only two more weeks, then everything will go back to normal." She spoke to me but was looking down at Josie, swaying her legs side to side, Josie laying out on them. "I know, it's just hard. I miss him, Josie misses him, you miss him." I sat on the couch, pulling the boppy pillow towards me, I've become very open about feeding Josie, plus it's Sarah, I don't really care if she sees my boob. "On top of that, I don't think I want to go back to work, I don't know that it's worth it." I added, needing to vent to someone. "What do you mean?" She set her phone down, giving me all of her attention. "The money I make will basically just all go towards putting her in a daycare. We might just be better off with me not working. But I don't want to make him feel this kind of pressure right away, you know?" I looked at her as she processed this information, "you have to be happy too, you can't walk on eggshells around him, he's always wanted you to be able to stay home with Josie, he told me about it months before she was even born. He loves being able to come home to you two." Sarah explained, rubbing my shoulder as I nodded with tears in my eyes. "You're right, thank you." "Of course!"
"Say hi uncle JJ!" I held Josie against my chest, waving her hand for her, "hi!" He smiled, pressing a kiss to Josie's little cheek. "How ya doing?" JJ questioned taking a water from the fridge, "I'm okay, I'm tired of people asking me that." I raised a brow at him, he nodded turning to face me. "And how is this little princess?" He took Josie from me, he's become much more comfortable with her, it made me happy, he'll make a good dad one day. "She's happier now that you're here. She's such a flirt, she's gonna give Rafe a heart attack at a young age." I laughed as JJ rolled his eyes, it's true, she's always happiest around guys, any age. "No, no boys until I'm dead." He spoke to Josie, she gurgled at him. "I told you!" I laughed as he looked at her in shock. "I can't believe this girl." He laughed sitting on the couch with her, "you crazy child, you're gonna give all of your uncles a heart attack too." He spoke to her, I sat next to them. "Really, how are you?" JJ looked at me, "I'm a mess." I let myself unravel into his chest, "I'm sorry." I mumbled as I cried, not doubt soaking his shirt. "No, it's okay, you have to let it out." JJ sighed, he's always hated seeing my cry. "You're such a good friend." I laughed as I pulled away, wiping at my face. "I try." He shrugged, an arm over my shoulder, "thanks."
"Today's the day, daddy's coming home!" I cooed to the now two month old, "yeah, daddy's coming home!" She smiled up at me, her newest skill. "Does that make you happy?" I laughed picking her up, she's definitely bonded much more with me since Rafe's been gone, but deep down I know that she's still a daddy's girl. I was getting her dressed in the outfit that Rafe picked out when we went shopping, daddy's little princess. "Oh, I know, mommy's so mean, I'm changing your clothes." I pouted as she cried, "almost done." I assured her, admiring her dark hair and bright blue eyes. "You're such a pretty girl." I held my daughter in my arms, looking over her outfit, she looks absolutely adorable. My phone rang in my pocket, "hey baby!" I grinned although I couldn't see him, "I'm leaving now, I should be home in thirty minutes." I could hear the excitement in his voice, "okay, we're already for you to get here!" I told him, "drive safe, I love you." "I love you too."

BREAKING | rafe cameron
FanfictionCharli is just your average run of the mill pogue, until the prince kook catches her eye "I'm breaking and I need you" AU STORY: this is a story about their lives together