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"Daddy's home!" I cheered to Josie, she clearly didn't know what I was saying, but she smiled at me in excitement, "I want to go out there but it's too cold for you." I sighed, watching his truck door open, he climbed out, he looked different, better, I hadn't realized how run down he had gotten. He practically ran to the front door, I grinned as the door swung open. "Oh my god, my girls!" He wrapped me in his arms, careful not to smush Josie. "Hi, I love you, so much." He cupped my face in his hands, kissing me passionately. "Hi, baby girl, it's daddy." He cooed to Josie, she smiled at him. "She smiles now?!" He took her from me, holding her close to his chest, "oh god I didn't know I could miss anyone so much." He whispered, kissing her all over. "We missed you too, you look amazing." I winked at him, "god I'm so happy right now." I wrapped myself around him, Josie in his other arm. "She looks so different." He was examining her, "she's heavy." He added with a laugh, then he noticed her outfit, he tilted his head back letting a deep laugh out. "It's even cuter on her." He kissed me again, "I'm never leaving you guys again, never I swear." He mumbles barely pulling away from me. "Well, only for work." He clarified.

"Speaking of work, I don't think I'm going to go back." I blurted the words out before I could stop myself. "Thank god, I was hoping you'd say that." Rafe sounded relieved, "we can do this, we're going to make it." I assured him, this is going to be our life.


I sighed out of content as I watched the kids run around the new backyard, Josie's ten now, and she has two younger brothers, Austin, he's seven, and James, he's two. We just bought our first home, we lived in our first house until we had Austin, then we got a bigger rental, and now we finally have our own home. It was everything we've ever wanted, Rafe became very successful in his business, he's one of the top landscapers on the island, but we never went full Kook like his dad did. We prided ourselves on raising the kids with a sense of work ethic, we both worked our asses off to end up where we are now. Rafe walked up beside me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. "Welcome home." He smiled at me before the kids started calling us over, we shared a look and shrugged before running after them. This is our life, and we built it together.

a/n it's over, I just felt like I was running out of ideas on what to write, and I'd rather end it sooner than end up ruining it by writing bad chapters! Thank you all for the support and love you've given this book, I just started a Topper fic if you want to go check it out!

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